Local Time: 04:10 pm
Timezone: America/New_York
Latitude: 39.9612
Longitude: -82.9988
Nautical Twilight begins:06:49 amSunrise:07:46 am
Sunset:07:37 pmNautical Twilight ends:08:34 pm
Moonrise:06:12 pm
Moonset:07:13 am
Moon over:12:10 am
Moon under:12:42 pm
Full Moon
Distance to earth:395,961 kmProximity:22.9 %
Moon Phases for Columbus
average Day
minor Time:06:13 am - 08:13 am
major Time:11:42 am - 01:42 pm
minor Time:05:12 pm - 07:12 pm
major Time:11:10 pm - 01:10 am
Tide Clock
Tide Graph
Tide | Time | Height |
low | 02:33 am | 0.16 ft |
high | 08:11 am | 2.85 ft |
low | 02:48 pm | 0.07 ft |
high | 08:37 pm | 2.92 ft |
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase | |
Wed, 12 Mar
11:42 am -
01:42 pm
11:10 pm -
01:10 am
06:13 am -
08:13 am
05:12 pm -
07:12 pm
R: 07:46 am S: 07:37 pm |
R: 06:12 pm S: 07:13 am |
![]() Full Moon |
low: 02:33 am
, 0.16 ft
high: 08:11 am
, 2.85 ft
, Coeff: 98
low: 02:48 pm
, 0.07 ft
high: 08:37 pm
, 2.92 ft
, Coeff: 102
Thu, 13 Mar
12:24 pm -
02:24 pm
11:54 pm -
01:54 am
06:34 am -
08:34 am
06:15 pm -
08:15 pm
R: 07:44 am S: 07:38 pm |
R: 07:15 pm S: 07:34 am |
![]() Full Moon |
low: 03:17 am
, 0.13 ft
high: 08:57 am
, 2.95 ft
, Coeff: 104
low: 03:36 pm
, 0.03 ft
high: 09:22 pm
, 2.92 ft
, Coeff: 102
Fri, 14 Mar
12:34 am -
02:34 am
01:04 pm -
03:04 pm
06:54 am -
08:54 am
07:15 pm -
09:15 pm
R: 07:43 am S: 07:39 pm |
R: 08:15 pm S: 07:54 am |
![]() Full Moon |
low: 03:57 am
, 0.13 ft
high: 09:40 am
, 3.05 ft
, Coeff: 110
low: 04:21 pm
, 0.07 ft
high: 10:04 pm
, 2.92 ft
, Coeff: 102
Sat, 15 Mar
01:14 am -
03:14 am
01:44 pm -
03:44 pm
07:13 am -
09:13 am
08:15 pm -
10:15 pm
R: 07:41 am S: 07:40 pm |
R: 09:15 pm S: 08:13 am |
![]() Full Moon |
low: 04:33 am
, 0.16 ft
high: 10:18 am
, 3.08 ft
, Coeff: 112
low: 05:02 pm
, 0.1 ft
high: 10:43 pm
, 2.85 ft
, Coeff: 98
Sun, 16 Mar
01:53 am -
03:53 am
02:24 pm -
04:24 pm
07:33 am -
09:33 am
09:15 pm -
11:15 pm
R: 07:40 am S: 07:41 pm |
R: 10:15 pm S: 08:33 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
low: 05:05 am
, 0.2 ft
high: 10:53 am
, 3.12 ft
, Coeff: 114
low: 05:42 pm
, 0.16 ft
high: 11:21 pm
, 2.79 ft
, Coeff: 93
Mon, 17 Mar
02:45 am -
04:45 am
03:05 pm -
05:05 pm
07:54 am -
09:54 am
10:17 pm -
12:17 am
R: 07:38 am S: 07:42 pm |
R: 11:17 pm S: 08:54 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
low: 05:33 am
, 0.26 ft
high: 11:26 am
, 3.12 ft
, Coeff: 114
low: 06:19 pm
, 0.26 ft
high: 11:58 pm
, 2.72 ft
, Coeff: 89
Tue, 18 Mar
03:29 am -
05:29 am
03:49 pm -
05:49 pm
08:19 am -
10:19 am
11:20 pm -
01:20 am
R: 07:36 am S: 07:43 pm |
R: - S: 09:19 am |
![]() Waning Gibbous |
low: 06:00 am
, 0.3 ft
high: 11:57 am
, 3.12 ft
, Coeff: 114
low: 06:55 pm
, 0.33 ft
Welcome To Fishingreminder - Your Ultimate Fishing Almanac
The aim of this website is to provide vital fishing information for planning successful fishing trips. We want to give you the best fishing almanac the internet has to offer.
Fishing is a great hobby and in order to catch fish consistently we need to consider a wide range of parameters. We need to familiarize ourselves with the habitat of the target species, look for good fishing spots, decide which tackle to use, check weather, wind and tides and make an educated guess about the best time to go fishing on a given day.
Fishingreminder is here to help you decide when to go fishing. Fish have feeding times just like us, we call them bite times. But their feeding times follow a natural rhythm of sun and moon. Because sun and moon will change during the years, months and days the bite times for each day will vary.
For that reason a specific theory was developed to describe and predict bite times. It's called the Solunar Theory. Fishingreminder uses this theory to calculate a fishing calendar based on sun and moon movements, tides and weather. We have even included knowledge from the ancient Maori fishing calendar in our calculations.
According to the Solunar Theory all wildlife and not only fish follow a similar feeding rhythm. Fishingreminder can therefore also be used for hunting and bird watching to find times of increased feeding activity.
Sometimes we are very busy with work and other commitments and don’t have time or forget to check for good fishing days regularly. Only to realize a week or so after new moon that we have just missed what could have been an epic fishing session.
That’s why Fishingreminder will scan the best fishing times for your location daily and remind you per email when you should go out fishing. Cause we know that nothing is more frustrating then to miss a great fishing opportunity.
On the site you will find Major and Minor Fishing Times, Sun and Moon information, Tide information if available and Weather info’s.
There is also a Forum, which you can use to ask people for advice or help others with your knowledge. In the Photo Section you can share your photos and show us what you caught and comment on photos. We also have an Article section and try to upload interesting articles and links to help you become an even more successful fisherman.
So have fun, explore the site and share your thoughts and catches with us.
All the best and good luck to everyone!