Recent Topics
Fishin at Mississewa Res.has been hit and miss. Small crappie 8', 9" ans some 10s 8" to 14" water 2'...
Wanted to start this not to give away any honey holes but to start discussion and updates, to also s...
need to find lunar charts for the whole year to put together a list of available times for friends w...
Just joined this forum. Fishing now limited to Pine River area and am looking at land based North Mo...
Fishing reminder has been a popular website for anglers world wide with all its unique features and...
The forecast for the 2014 Columbia River return may be higher than it was for 2013. In 2013 the Bonn...
Hey I noticed ALOT of people here are in different countries so is anyone in the United states or Ca...
Hello, I'm Icelandic and is now located in Argentina, City Bell. if any person angling can give me i...
Just found this site and at the risk of me sounding uber thick, I'm trying to figure out what the bo...