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Watching this video makes me feel so frustrated. Why is it that so many people have no consciousness...

I love this reel. It is smooth and powerful and it casts amazing. I have the 3000 size and I put on...

Good day USA Some ask Bill how are you And I say FAT & HAPPY Thank You

That's good. That's good! Welcome to Ice Fishing season! After finding out that the Kastking brand w...

When discussing braided fishing line connections, I rely primarily on four classic . These knots fal...

Seems like it is just a year ago that COD season opened last time...and here it is again !! I am sta...

Can anybody please give me any advice on the pen prevail to verses pen profile apex which is the bet...

At the bay Andrew's panama city really good fishing alot of bites about 1 hour ago. Nov 11 2023. 9:3...

I saw this in my local tackle shop today. I asked the staff about it. But even they were not sure. N...