visit to a pond
I met him on the internet because I am a computer programmer from the aforementioned Bilgehan SARP.
He was talking about knitting rope at that time. Then I told my friend and he brought knitting yarn and everyone got used to using it. Knitted rope was produced to cut the fish when caught in the grass when the carp fish were caught, and then the manufacturers saw that it was useful in the sea.
Hello Bilgehan
How are you? It's a little blurry and small, but you can see the size. I took my other pictures at home, as usual, and I'll send them too.
In the fish circular, he said that the carp hunt would start at the end of June. We did so, and we waited for the end of June because there was egg laying. Last year, Ercan and I went fishing in that pond a few times in the summer, it was both a research and a fishing job for me. they were making a sound by jumping out of the water near the shore. When I saw their size, I was quite excited. I was making the fish we caught with fresh bread or inspired by the carp talk on your site. I was fishing with a 6 mt telescopic reed and a precision buoy made of balsa wood, but our maximum weight was not more than 5000gr, my aim was much bigger. I made a great opening by catching fish on 10/07/2005 and 11/07/2005 this year.
In the afternoon of 19/06/2005, the weather was blowing in the southwest, we decided to visit a pond, we took 2 fresh breads with us when we were going with my ercan friend, but because the breads were not as we wanted, we arrived at the pond in a depressed state. When we arrived at the pond, giant carp were circling the shore I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw them. I threw a piece of bread on the water and started to observe. After a short while, a noise and bread disappeared. It was our day of sailing that day, and I was also my carp discovery. I decided to make a team similar to this one. But this time it was a team that would hunt above the water, not at the bottom.
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Needles Mustad 4/0 3 grains
1 swivel (number 2)
0.5 cm long tokyo sponge between the needles (so that the team does not go down when the bread is scattered)
The crust of fresh village bakery bread.
No. 14 nylon thread (I dyed it with green fabric dye to make it a natural lake color) can be about 25 kg in drawstring or rosary thread. For your information, I cut a lot of sets because the carp was caught and when it approached the shore, it hit a very strong tail blow.
Scoop (Large one)
2.40 cm long telescopic rod with rod 100-200 gr.
Line on the reel is 140 mt 0.28 discovery brand line, my machine is 0.40 shakespeare 1976 model.
1. The fresh bread will be slightly moistened with lake water, so that the bread does not fall from the set while throwing it and it does not break and break while wrapping the bread.
2. The inside of the bread is completely opened from the edges and only the crust is obtained. You can use the inside if you want, it depends on your desire.
3. Cut the separated bread crust at a width of about 2 fingers as if it were slices of bread. We divide the cut bread crust into squares of approximately 2 cm.
4. It is attached to the needles one by one. It is attached to the needles by turning it nicely so that the crust of the bread remains at the bottom. The needle at the bottom remains bare.
5. Then, in the gap between the needle located on the side close to the main body, a wrapping is obtained by bending the bread crust with either 2 or 4 finger widths into the gap between them, and a wrapping is obtained. It is prepared. This team is in such a way that it cannot exceed 1 square including the swivel.
Let's hunt the mirror carp
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We wanted to go fishing with Erol, the news of the sea was negative, so we decided to go to the pond so that our day would not be empty, we took our decision and set off for the pond. We bought 6 freshly baked breads from the road and came to the pond. Since we saw that the fish are more excited and active at 19:00 and after. We were at the head of the pond at 17:00. When we came to the pond, we encountered a crowd of people who came to fish and watch the pond. This didn't upset me a bit, so when it comes to the reason, these people were both noisy and people whose fish acted scary. The deepest part of the pond is about 45 It was a pond with a diameter of 50 meters and conical approximately 200 square meters. It was a natural pond with rocks and trees in places. We started to move the teams from the car to the area where we were going to hunt. There was a lot of noise around, the big carp were jumping and strolling in other parts of the pond, we were humming with erol, what kind of people are they? We were being told that one would be a little quiet, there's nothing to do t dude, there was nothing but to wait for them to get away from there. I was going to use 3 rods. On the other hand, one of our erols was very narrow, about 10 meters. .I nailed 3 reed legs to the ground. We started to prepare the teams, and the preparations for the teams were finished. now we can send the team to the places where the fish can travel, but the wind is blowing very badly towards us, there is nothing we can do about it. On the one hand, disrespectful people without an amateur spirit, on the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. On the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. I threw it. I put the bell on the tip. 2nd set I threw the set of 30gr, 1 olive with lead travel and bread crust, towards the middle of the pond for about 40 meters. I waited until the lead sat down, the lead settled on the bottom, the team so that the wind, which is important on the surface, would not come to the shore immediately. I made a water base in the 3rd team and threw it unleaded. With the violence of the wind, the team headed towards the reed area and the big carp were there, and I was calculating how much I would struggle if it caught on the fishing line. Rounds started around the rod number 2 in the middle, a water turtle eats the bread hungrily on the team's head. large carp cruising through the water from right to left, but once in a while they make a tail blow and join us in excitement. Of course, it's time to change the bread soaked in water. A tail blow, the bread fell apart. The team was wasted. I baited it again and threw it away. I changed the oath of the team, and crowded flocks began to form there. Things started to calm down a bit. Carps are swaying to and fro in the quiet coastal areas of the lake. Anyway, I renewed the team and threw it to the same sides again, this time the wind eased and the fish started to make water around it, and the fishes sat on one side and we started to wait for the bell on the cane. It's 19:25 I jumped from my cane stand foot and fell into the water, I immediately took the cane, what is it? I said it can't be a great weight, I caught the fish and I said erolcum. Yes, the fish is at the end of the fishing rod, but I can't control the team, it hangs so terribly and tries to attach it to the reeds, and it got stuck there for a while. Since I know that the fishing rod is very solid in the fishing rod part, there was nothing but tiring the fish. After waiting for a few minutes, the tip of the fishing rod began to relax and I started to watch the movements of the fish. We couldn't see the fish, the fish was starting to manage us. I try to get the head of the fish closer to me. I am successful from time to time, but when I start to come to the shore, I would like you to see the spool brake on my machine, how it discharges. I need to tire the fish. but because it is too big, I have to comply with his request. Oh, by the way, the fish pond on the fishing line has started to wander, and I pull the fish slowly, slowly with the help of a machine from time to time, and be careful not to bring it above the water. Of course, the fish does not give up the struggle. I saw its tail on the water for a while.
Let's hunt the mirror carp
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We wanted to go fishing with Erol, the news of the sea was negative, so we decided to go to the pond so that our day would not be empty, we took our decision and set off for the pond. We bought 6 freshly baked breads from the road and came to the pond. Since we saw that the fish are more excited and active at 19:00 and after. We were at the head of the pond at 17:00. When we came to the pond, we encountered a crowd of people who came to fish and watch the pond. This didn't upset me a bit, so when it comes to the reason, these people were both noisy and people whose fish acted scary. The deepest part of the pond is about 45 It was a pond with a diameter of 50 meters and conical approximately 200 square meters. It was a natural pond with rocks and trees in places. We started to move the teams from the car to the area where we were going to hunt. There was a lot of noise around, the big carp were jumping and strolling in other parts of the pond, we were humming with erol, what kind of people are they? We were being told that one would be a little quiet, there's nothing to do t dude, there was nothing but to wait for them to get away from there. I was going to use 3 rods. On the other hand, one of our erols was very narrow, about 10 meters. .I nailed 3 reed legs to the ground. We started to prepare the teams, and the preparations for the teams were finished. now we can send the team to the places where the fish can travel, but the wind is blowing very badly towards us, there is nothing we can do about it. On the one hand, disrespectful people without an amateur spirit, on the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. On the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. I threw it. I put the bell on the tip. 2nd set I threw the set of 30gr, 1 olive with lead travel and bread crust, towards the middle of the pond for about 40 meters. I waited until the lead sat down, the lead settled on the bottom, the team so that the wind, which is important on the surface, would not come to the shore immediately. I made a water base in the 3rd team and threw it unleaded. With the violence of the wind, the team headed towards the reed area and the big carp were there, and I was calculating how much I would struggle if it caught on the fishing line. Rounds started around the rod number 2 in the middle, a water turtle eats the bread hungrily on the team's head. large carp cruising through the water from right to left, but once in a while they make a tail blow and join us in excitement. Of course, it's time to change the bread soaked in water. A tail blow, the bread fell apart. The team was wasted. I baited it again and threw it away. I changed the oath of the team, and crowded flocks began to form there. Things started to calm down a bit. Carps are swaying to and fro in the quiet coastal areas of the lake. Anyway, I renewed the team
I say, while coming to the shore, again with tail blows, I let him because the team is still in the slack. I turned the fish's head towards me, the fish began to come, I can't see the needles because 2 of the needles are stuck next to the fin I say 'oh my god' or I'm sure we missed it. a region; the ground is hard sand, the ground is algae, grassy area I'm in water I'm in the water up to the knee length I get into the water as much as I can so that I can both see and control the fish. The shorts on my feet are getting wet, I think I have to miss this fish now. Erolda very coldly He got into the water a little bit and is waiting in the port with a huge scoop he just bought. We want to put the fish in the full scoop. The fish still resists and moves forward with the tail blow. My right arm is tired, I'm out of power, it hurts now. Americans used to call the carp the tractor of the lake, they made a very strong analogy. and resistant animal. I started to let go and surrender to him more easily. I can say that it has come to comply with my wishes now. I started to move the tired fish slowly towards the erol's ladle. erol hit the ladle just in time. The fish is in the scoop, what a ugh he said. A great carp is safe in the scoop now, the scoop is safe. Together with him, we landed the fish immediately. How he pushes the ladle, how he resists, the job is finished because it is in a safe place. I am trying to remove the fish's hooks from the scoop. 2 in the mouth and 1 in the left side fin, 1 stuck right next to the eye. I have removed the needles from the fish now. shooting remained, but what is it, my erolcum forgot to take the digital camera he always brought with him, I said alas, how can I explain this to people in case no one will believe it. erolcum is in the picture I sent with a small adjustment of the pose You can easily see this. The struggle that started at 19:25 and ended at 20:15. Estimations started on land, how many kg will come, etc. When we got home, people came to me from the taxi stand, the coffee shop under the house, it looked amazing, the mirror carp was amazing, I went out immediately and went home. I took lots and lots of photos and gave the fish to my erolcu as a gift. I was going to buy it from him, how many kg it weighed, good luck to my dear friend, my dear friend, my friend beyond my friend, thank you to my friend. God bless him. My dear Ercan. .I would like everyone to have such a humble, personable and well-intentioned nature, how can I explain it, I think you should live it. My captain, may God be pleased with him and you, time and lives pass by in this mortal world. I read the article titled (fishing article) and this sweet adventure started on 01/05/2002. Thanks Bilgehan, what can I say again. Then he weighed the erolcum fish and said it weighed 14kg, it was a great pleasure for an amateur like me. I was waiting for the day 11/07/2005 with impatience. Erol had a job that day. I was going to take Captain Mr. Tolga to carp hunting. Since I had experience from the first day, I told him about this incident. I medi and took him fishing. Around the same time, a fish was caught at 20:30, close to the part I caught earlier. I spent a day similar to the one above, and I gave it to my friend as a gift. I photographed them plenty at home. Her weight was around 16kg.
I will definitely not hunt small carp anymore, it cannot be such an exciting hunt, I hope you will taste it too.
That's it, dear amateurs, I hope you will experience these great feelings like me.
Keep your needles sharp.

He was talking about knitting rope at that time. Then I told my friend and he brought knitting yarn and everyone got used to using it. Knitted rope was produced to cut the fish when caught in the grass when the carp fish were caught, and then the manufacturers saw that it was useful in the sea.
Hello Bilgehan
How are you? It's a little blurry and small, but you can see the size. I took my other pictures at home, as usual, and I'll send them too.
In the fish circular, he said that the carp hunt would start at the end of June. We did so, and we waited for the end of June because there was egg laying. Last year, Ercan and I went fishing in that pond a few times in the summer, it was both a research and a fishing job for me. they were making a sound by jumping out of the water near the shore. When I saw their size, I was quite excited. I was making the fish we caught with fresh bread or inspired by the carp talk on your site. I was fishing with a 6 mt telescopic reed and a precision buoy made of balsa wood, but our maximum weight was not more than 5000gr, my aim was much bigger. I made a great opening by catching fish on 10/07/2005 and 11/07/2005 this year.
In the afternoon of 19/06/2005, the weather was blowing in the southwest, we decided to visit a pond, we took 2 fresh breads with us when we were going with my ercan friend, but because the breads were not as we wanted, we arrived at the pond in a depressed state. When we arrived at the pond, giant carp were circling the shore I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw them. I threw a piece of bread on the water and started to observe. After a short while, a noise and bread disappeared. It was our day of sailing that day, and I was also my carp discovery. I decided to make a team similar to this one. But this time it was a team that would hunt above the water, not at the bottom.
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Needles Mustad 4/0 3 grains
1 swivel (number 2)
0.5 cm long tokyo sponge between the needles (so that the team does not go down when the bread is scattered)
The crust of fresh village bakery bread.
No. 14 nylon thread (I dyed it with green fabric dye to make it a natural lake color) can be about 25 kg in drawstring or rosary thread. For your information, I cut a lot of sets because the carp was caught and when it approached the shore, it hit a very strong tail blow.
Scoop (Large one)
2.40 cm long telescopic rod with rod 100-200 gr.
Line on the reel is 140 mt 0.28 discovery brand line, my machine is 0.40 shakespeare 1976 model.
1. The fresh bread will be slightly moistened with lake water, so that the bread does not fall from the set while throwing it and it does not break and break while wrapping the bread.
2. The inside of the bread is completely opened from the edges and only the crust is obtained. You can use the inside if you want, it depends on your desire.
3. Cut the separated bread crust at a width of about 2 fingers as if it were slices of bread. We divide the cut bread crust into squares of approximately 2 cm.
4. It is attached to the needles one by one. It is attached to the needles by turning it nicely so that the crust of the bread remains at the bottom. The needle at the bottom remains bare.
5. Then, in the gap between the needle located on the side close to the main body, a wrapping is obtained by bending the bread crust with either 2 or 4 finger widths into the gap between them, and a wrapping is obtained. It is prepared. This team is in such a way that it cannot exceed 1 square including the swivel.
Let's hunt the mirror carp
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We wanted to go fishing with Erol, the news of the sea was negative, so we decided to go to the pond so that our day would not be empty, we took our decision and set off for the pond. We bought 6 freshly baked breads from the road and came to the pond. Since we saw that the fish are more excited and active at 19:00 and after. We were at the head of the pond at 17:00. When we came to the pond, we encountered a crowd of people who came to fish and watch the pond. This didn't upset me a bit, so when it comes to the reason, these people were both noisy and people whose fish acted scary. The deepest part of the pond is about 45 It was a pond with a diameter of 50 meters and conical approximately 200 square meters. It was a natural pond with rocks and trees in places. We started to move the teams from the car to the area where we were going to hunt. There was a lot of noise around, the big carp were jumping and strolling in other parts of the pond, we were humming with erol, what kind of people are they? We were being told that one would be a little quiet, there's nothing to do t dude, there was nothing but to wait for them to get away from there. I was going to use 3 rods. On the other hand, one of our erols was very narrow, about 10 meters. .I nailed 3 reed legs to the ground. We started to prepare the teams, and the preparations for the teams were finished. now we can send the team to the places where the fish can travel, but the wind is blowing very badly towards us, there is nothing we can do about it. On the one hand, disrespectful people without an amateur spirit, on the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. On the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. I threw it. I put the bell on the tip. 2nd set I threw the set of 30gr, 1 olive with lead travel and bread crust, towards the middle of the pond for about 40 meters. I waited until the lead sat down, the lead settled on the bottom, the team so that the wind, which is important on the surface, would not come to the shore immediately. I made a water base in the 3rd team and threw it unleaded. With the violence of the wind, the team headed towards the reed area and the big carp were there, and I was calculating how much I would struggle if it caught on the fishing line. Rounds started around the rod number 2 in the middle, a water turtle eats the bread hungrily on the team's head. large carp cruising through the water from right to left, but once in a while they make a tail blow and join us in excitement. Of course, it's time to change the bread soaked in water. A tail blow, the bread fell apart. The team was wasted. I baited it again and threw it away. I changed the oath of the team, and crowded flocks began to form there. Things started to calm down a bit. Carps are swaying to and fro in the quiet coastal areas of the lake. Anyway, I renewed the team and threw it to the same sides again, this time the wind eased and the fish started to make water around it, and the fishes sat on one side and we started to wait for the bell on the cane. It's 19:25 I jumped from my cane stand foot and fell into the water, I immediately took the cane, what is it? I said it can't be a great weight, I caught the fish and I said erolcum. Yes, the fish is at the end of the fishing rod, but I can't control the team, it hangs so terribly and tries to attach it to the reeds, and it got stuck there for a while. Since I know that the fishing rod is very solid in the fishing rod part, there was nothing but tiring the fish. After waiting for a few minutes, the tip of the fishing rod began to relax and I started to watch the movements of the fish. We couldn't see the fish, the fish was starting to manage us. I try to get the head of the fish closer to me. I am successful from time to time, but when I start to come to the shore, I would like you to see the spool brake on my machine, how it discharges. I need to tire the fish. but because it is too big, I have to comply with his request. Oh, by the way, the fish pond on the fishing line has started to wander, and I pull the fish slowly, slowly with the help of a machine from time to time, and be careful not to bring it above the water. Of course, the fish does not give up the struggle. I saw its tail on the water for a while.
Let's hunt the mirror carp
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We wanted to go fishing with Erol, the news of the sea was negative, so we decided to go to the pond so that our day would not be empty, we took our decision and set off for the pond. We bought 6 freshly baked breads from the road and came to the pond. Since we saw that the fish are more excited and active at 19:00 and after. We were at the head of the pond at 17:00. When we came to the pond, we encountered a crowd of people who came to fish and watch the pond. This didn't upset me a bit, so when it comes to the reason, these people were both noisy and people whose fish acted scary. The deepest part of the pond is about 45 It was a pond with a diameter of 50 meters and conical approximately 200 square meters. It was a natural pond with rocks and trees in places. We started to move the teams from the car to the area where we were going to hunt. There was a lot of noise around, the big carp were jumping and strolling in other parts of the pond, we were humming with erol, what kind of people are they? We were being told that one would be a little quiet, there's nothing to do t dude, there was nothing but to wait for them to get away from there. I was going to use 3 rods. On the other hand, one of our erols was very narrow, about 10 meters. .I nailed 3 reed legs to the ground. We started to prepare the teams, and the preparations for the teams were finished. now we can send the team to the places where the fish can travel, but the wind is blowing very badly towards us, there is nothing we can do about it. On the one hand, disrespectful people without an amateur spirit, on the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. On the one hand, the weather conditions are negative. I threw it. I put the bell on the tip. 2nd set I threw the set of 30gr, 1 olive with lead travel and bread crust, towards the middle of the pond for about 40 meters. I waited until the lead sat down, the lead settled on the bottom, the team so that the wind, which is important on the surface, would not come to the shore immediately. I made a water base in the 3rd team and threw it unleaded. With the violence of the wind, the team headed towards the reed area and the big carp were there, and I was calculating how much I would struggle if it caught on the fishing line. Rounds started around the rod number 2 in the middle, a water turtle eats the bread hungrily on the team's head. large carp cruising through the water from right to left, but once in a while they make a tail blow and join us in excitement. Of course, it's time to change the bread soaked in water. A tail blow, the bread fell apart. The team was wasted. I baited it again and threw it away. I changed the oath of the team, and crowded flocks began to form there. Things started to calm down a bit. Carps are swaying to and fro in the quiet coastal areas of the lake. Anyway, I renewed the team
I say, while coming to the shore, again with tail blows, I let him because the team is still in the slack. I turned the fish's head towards me, the fish began to come, I can't see the needles because 2 of the needles are stuck next to the fin I say 'oh my god' or I'm sure we missed it. a region; the ground is hard sand, the ground is algae, grassy area I'm in water I'm in the water up to the knee length I get into the water as much as I can so that I can both see and control the fish. The shorts on my feet are getting wet, I think I have to miss this fish now. Erolda very coldly He got into the water a little bit and is waiting in the port with a huge scoop he just bought. We want to put the fish in the full scoop. The fish still resists and moves forward with the tail blow. My right arm is tired, I'm out of power, it hurts now. Americans used to call the carp the tractor of the lake, they made a very strong analogy. and resistant animal. I started to let go and surrender to him more easily. I can say that it has come to comply with my wishes now. I started to move the tired fish slowly towards the erol's ladle. erol hit the ladle just in time. The fish is in the scoop, what a ugh he said. A great carp is safe in the scoop now, the scoop is safe. Together with him, we landed the fish immediately. How he pushes the ladle, how he resists, the job is finished because it is in a safe place. I am trying to remove the fish's hooks from the scoop. 2 in the mouth and 1 in the left side fin, 1 stuck right next to the eye. I have removed the needles from the fish now. shooting remained, but what is it, my erolcum forgot to take the digital camera he always brought with him, I said alas, how can I explain this to people in case no one will believe it. erolcum is in the picture I sent with a small adjustment of the pose You can easily see this. The struggle that started at 19:25 and ended at 20:15. Estimations started on land, how many kg will come, etc. When we got home, people came to me from the taxi stand, the coffee shop under the house, it looked amazing, the mirror carp was amazing, I went out immediately and went home. I took lots and lots of photos and gave the fish to my erolcu as a gift. I was going to buy it from him, how many kg it weighed, good luck to my dear friend, my dear friend, my friend beyond my friend, thank you to my friend. God bless him. My dear Ercan. .I would like everyone to have such a humble, personable and well-intentioned nature, how can I explain it, I think you should live it. My captain, may God be pleased with him and you, time and lives pass by in this mortal world. I read the article titled (fishing article) and this sweet adventure started on 01/05/2002. Thanks Bilgehan, what can I say again. Then he weighed the erolcum fish and said it weighed 14kg, it was a great pleasure for an amateur like me. I was waiting for the day 11/07/2005 with impatience. Erol had a job that day. I was going to take Captain Mr. Tolga to carp hunting. Since I had experience from the first day, I told him about this incident. I medi and took him fishing. Around the same time, a fish was caught at 20:30, close to the part I caught earlier. I spent a day similar to the one above, and I gave it to my friend as a gift. I photographed them plenty at home. Her weight was around 16kg.
I will definitely not hunt small carp anymore, it cannot be such an exciting hunt, I hope you will taste it too.
That's it, dear amateurs, I hope you will experience these great feelings like me.
Keep your needles sharp.

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3 years ago
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