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First İnteractive Fishing Video

Hi everybody
I want to introduce you the very first and real Interactive Fishing Video in the world. Unlike other fishing videos,here in this video,you will be in control and decide which lure to use. Every video ends with two options. in the end of each video,make your choice,click on the video and go on fishing. İf you are lucky enough, you will catch beautiful pike and save the day. Remember to comment below the video when you catch the pike. " I got it"
Hope you like it.
PS. Entering video has English subtitles
Likes: 0 Login to reply 5 years ago
I don't see any subtitles.
You need to turn it on. Up right corner,there must bu settings on video 😊
OK. I had a look...

There is no setting that I can find in Youtube to turn subtitles on.

If what you are trying to do is what I think you are trying to do...then I like the idea...BUT, it is just not working for me 😊
It is probably because of embedded video format on the forum. If you watch it on YouTube app or webpage,you will easily turn the captions on 😊