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Auckland Snapper Fishing

Holy Guacamole!
I am new to kayak fishing, just got a double kayak this x-mas and I'm in the process of turning into a fishing-kayak. Today I took it out for only the second time in Auckland Harbour, off Tamaki Point, paddled into the deeper channel, anchored and right away hooked into some snapper. It was a calm and sunny day. I was stoked! I usually don't catch much, so I wasn't really prepared for any big net or gaff. Within 10 min of fishing I get one BIG hit and my little reel starts screaming and after a good 5 minute fight this big orange glowing monster comes to the surface. I grab the leader of my dropper-rig and yank it onto my kayak and as I am trying to figure out how to stop the fish from flapping like crazy it snaps the double leader and slips out of my fingers. It was gone. The Beast was at least a 10 pounder and the biggest snapper I've ever seen! Within one hour I caught another 7 decent size snapper. And then once again I hook a big 6-8 pounder that I was able to get right up to my kayak, but which again got away. That got me pretty pissed and I packed it up. I gotta say I did learn my lesson: Never fish off the kayak without a net or gaff and be prepared for anything!!!

Tight lines!

Likes: 0 Login to reply 14 years ago
Hey man

Thanks for stopping by. I think we met earlier at the boat ramp.
Wow sounds like you had an amazing outing today. I shouldn't have given up so early :ohmy: .

There are some good fish around in this area. Did you catch them mainly on soft baits or did you use pilchards?

I always bring a fish spike to kill them quickly once I got them on the kayak.
That works quite well and no more slapping around.

Well - glad to you made it to the forum and thanks for sharing your trip.

I'll probably see you again there soon ;-)

Hey man, how's it going! Yeah sweet website, thanks for the tip.
Caught them on good old pilchards. Yeah, gotta get me one of those fish spikes...

You bet I'll be out there again soon, prob tomorrow at low tide...with heavier gear and a net! :)

sounds like a plan 😉 although the weather is supposed to turn crappy tomorrow afternoon.

I'm planning to give it a go early tomorrow morning just before high tide around Karaka Bay. Launching at the Glendowie boatramp. Had some great catches there before.

Only problem - not sure if I can manage to get up so early in the morning 😊