WIN WIN-Lost Rod and caught it back 4 months later!
Sum Ting Wong
In all of my decades and decades of fishing this is a first.
I am staying off of Lake Norman Catawba and lost my Bday present GOLD ZEBCO 33 in November of last year. Yesterday, I was fishing and had my bait cast to the right of our pier, I came back later and the line was straight in front of the pier and under the marina docks and pontoons. I tugged on the rod and this was a heavy weight, the line after a few minutes lost the heavy weight and I pulled up a muddy fishing rod. Just got to cleaning it today and it's the same rod I lost! The Cat was carrying this around for four months.
Using Zebco 888 and Berkeley Big Game Rod.
Fish- 2 rods
Me -1 rod (back-maybe salvagable)
Now to fish my other one out!
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