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The MOST TERRIFYING VIDEO FOR ANY Kayak Fisherman! Great White Shark

Check out this video by Nomadic Kayak Fishing!

This is the most epic and terrifying great white encounter!

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Said it before and I will say it again... You go in salt water and there is only one difference between you and live bait... the bait has a hook in it !!

Lots of fresh water is not much different either.

Great video. Glad he made back.

I know there is little to no proven evidence that they work. But 1 or 2 electronic shark repellents would be a good idea. These days they are compact and fairly cheap. They might even make ones for kayaks.

I think the shark shield is the one. You can just hang it over the side of the kayak.

I personally don't use bait, burley or live baits from a kayak anymore. Fishing with lures only seems to keep 'em away. I think this shark got the live bait and then followed the kayak thinking there's probably more where that came from.

Yes. I was thinking the same thing. That shark was expecting something.

It was not in "attack" mode.

It is all hind sight now... If it was me I would have also been doing the panic and poo the pant dance !!

It's fins out the water. Following at a distance. I don't think that shark was in attack mode. It was expecting... I am thinking it has been following big commercial fishing boats and getting "over throws".

As I say. All hind sight. But that shark is not being aggressive. Great whites are quite timid and will back off with a tap to the nose or anything they see as a threat....I might be wrong but I can't see a Great White going for the kill with it's fins out the water. I don't know. But that shark to me, was not even curious. It was staying back waiting for over throws.

But if all else fails.....

Shout "ORCA ORCA"....What? Shouting "shark shark" on a beach works with ape descendants !!! Surely yelling ORCA ORCA would work with Great Whites...Give it a try and let us know how you go !!

This is so scary!😱