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The MOST TERRIFYING VIDEO FOR ANY Kayak Fisherman! Great White Shark

Check out this video by Nomadic Kayak Fishing!

This is the most epic and terrifying great white encounter!

Leave him a comment and let him know you came from Fishingreminder :)

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Said it before and I will say it again... You go in salt water and there is only one difference between you and live bait... the bait has a hook in it !!

Lots of fresh water is not much different either.

Great video. Glad he made back.

I know there is little to no proven evidence that they work. But 1 or 2 electronic shark repellents would be a good idea. These days they are compact and fairly cheap. They might even make ones for kayaks.

I think the shark shield is the one. You can just hang it over the side of the kayak.

I personally don't use bait, burley or live baits from a kayak anymore. Fishing with lures only seems to keep 'em away. I think this shark got the live bait and then followed the kayak thinking there's probably more where that came from.