Topic thumbnail

Forum Update

Well, unfortunately we don't get many of our users using the forum these days.

But nevertheless this part of the website was getting a little outdated and decided to re-develop it with some better layouts.

I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you encounter any errors. There are probably a few that I have missed.

We have a new editor for posting and you can just post image or youtube urls and it will automatically insert the actual image or video. There is also an image upload button.

Perhaps it is a little bit small and easy to overlook?

On the forum overview page I was experimenting with AI generated thumbnails for forum posts that don't have images. I think some of the thumbnails are quite funny. I'll be generating a few more for older posts. It looks better than just having boring old text I think.

That's it for now. I'm working on the next updates (marine weather) next.



Likes: 5 Login to reply 5 months ago

Looks good.

Of course I have been looking for bugs...haha

The only thing I see missing is last (newest) comment button. Not an issue when a post is new or short. But handy for longer posts.

Awesome, I knew you'd be testing a bit :) thanks.

Which button do you mean? I have the reply to topic button on the first post and on the bottom of the page (if there are some replies) And a reply button underneath each comment/reply.

Not actually a button as such. You had a "last comment" link before.

This is a good example. See there are 21 comments but only the OP (you) is named.

This is the 4th topic. If someone made a comment on each of the first 4 topics, the order would be the same but the number count would go to 22.

But there would be nothing else to indicate there is a new comment.

So it would be very easy to miss a comment.

The other thing is that you would have to scroll all the way down 21 comments to get to the new one.

forum image

A cool, I see what you mean, yeah I will add this back in.

Maybe I will also add a little notification icon as well indicating if there were a number of new posts in a topic.

The topics are actually ordered by last reply date. So if you were to post in the fish heads topic, then it should be the first to appear on the topics page. Always the topic with the latest messages will appear first.

But I forgot about the auto scrolling to a specific message. Good catch, thanks for that.

There has been quite a few times when someone has posted in 2 or 3 topics and the order of the topics stays the same. If you are not keeping an eye on the time stamp and the posters name, it is very easy to miss a post.

But I am nosey...I have to read every comment !! haha

A "Back to Forum" button would be good too.

EDIT: Post count is gone too !!

okay so I added the username of the last post to the forum index page and when clicked (the footer of the topic) it should auto scroll to the last post and if clicked on the topic image it will just show the topic from the beginning, if that makes sense.

It does make sense...and you almost got it :)

Clicking on the name is not working right. It goes to the last (latest) comment in this topic. But it goes to the first comment in the fish heads topic.

If you click on this one (name last post) it goes to the middle of the topic.

(and yes,,,the AI typo is noted !! and probably unVanted !!)

forum image

yeah looks like this was the last post (in the middle) I also made it so that it has a green border around the last post (when clicked on it through the index page). I wish AI could learn to spell properly in images, haha. Only a matter of weeks by the rate of current progress.

His last post is not in the middle...His last post is actually the last post in that topic.

forum image

I think this one is maybe a bit confusing because he made both posts a month ago, I guess one after another. First he replied to the topic (that is the post on the bottom) and then to dazzling79. That's why the last post is shown under dazzling in the middle.

Yeah. looks like that is the case.

So if the reply "tree" is going to work like that. Then we will need the "number of new posts" that you mentioned before....I would hate the thought that a nasty post gets past me and deprives me of using my big red button !! haha.

(yes, I noticed my big red button has been replaced with 3 little dots haha)

Will there be an option for a dark mode, with white background have to 😎😎👈😁

yeah, I've been looking into options on implementing dark mode.

Turns out to be more work than I initially thought, but I'm on it :)