Has anyone seen Kings of Pain Season 2 Episode 9
Mark Totzke
Guys - you won't believe it, but we got screwed by the producers of Kings of Pain in episode 9 season 2 - stinging sharks!
Here is how it happened.
About a year ago the producers of Kings of Pain contacted us and asked us if they can interview us on their show about
our experience getting stung by a Spiny Dogfish. They found a short video that we published about this on our channel a while ago. Until then I had never heard of Kings of Pain because I don't really watch much TV. But later I found out that this is a pretty big production
They were filming an episode about stinging sharks and wanted to talk to someone with first-hand experience.
We agreed to this and were promised that they will give credit to fishingreminder.com in their end credits.
Well, we just watched the episode - what a disappointment.
They used our footage, including the interview with me and you guessed it... Zero credit is given except for a short mention of our names without any context and without mentioning fishingreminder.
How rude is that? I feel very much screwed over by these guys after investing time in the interview and giving them permission to use our footage for absolutely nothing in return. We are not even allowed to use the footage of the interview in our own videos while they earn big bucks with their show.
Lesson learnt: Never trust any TV production companies.
If you watch this episode you can see me giving the interview at about 23 minutes into the show.
The only credit given is my name with the subtitle "professional fisherman" :( and Hyeshins name appears briefly in the end credits.
That's how they do it and now we know. But at least we got one thing in return - we learned a lesson, LOL
Here is how it happened.
About a year ago the producers of Kings of Pain contacted us and asked us if they can interview us on their show about
our experience getting stung by a Spiny Dogfish. They found a short video that we published about this on our channel a while ago. Until then I had never heard of Kings of Pain because I don't really watch much TV. But later I found out that this is a pretty big production
They were filming an episode about stinging sharks and wanted to talk to someone with first-hand experience.
We agreed to this and were promised that they will give credit to fishingreminder.com in their end credits.
Well, we just watched the episode - what a disappointment.
They used our footage, including the interview with me and you guessed it... Zero credit is given except for a short mention of our names without any context and without mentioning fishingreminder.
How rude is that? I feel very much screwed over by these guys after investing time in the interview and giving them permission to use our footage for absolutely nothing in return. We are not even allowed to use the footage of the interview in our own videos while they earn big bucks with their show.
Lesson learnt: Never trust any TV production companies.
If you watch this episode you can see me giving the interview at about 23 minutes into the show.
The only credit given is my name with the subtitle "professional fisherman" :( and Hyeshins name appears briefly in the end credits.
That's how they do it and now we know. But at least we got one thing in return - we learned a lesson, LOL
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1 year ago
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