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Give me some recommendations for Bass Lure's and pike Lure's  
Likes: 0 Login to reply 3 years ago
Rapala with green and orange color!
I would have thought a shiny lure like a spoon lure would have been best for pike.
Pike will hit just about anything, 

daredevil, mimic minnow and white shad are my top choices
thanks man or woman!
Whopper plopper if on fresh water fast streams 
Ekudrec: LOL, what a funny  name for a lure 😅
Is this your best pick?
I caught a large mouth bass using a red leaf, I know it sounds crazy but I have seen people using all kinds of crazy stuff, lol
Really?? That's cool! Catching fish on a leaf!! :O
ik its crazy
Here in Central Florida soft worms and creature baits are the most consistent lures. Colors vary according to water clarity my favorite are variations of green and black aka watermelon, green pumpkin and the fav purple or junebug.

Scott Jenkins 
thanks : )

It depends on how you hunt.
Hanging out live
hard bait
soft silicon
from the boat
by land
Is it shaped like a back?
my night hunt or my day hunt
As you can see there are many factors.
I can give information accordingly.