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Jervis Bay Squid

shawry says:
Fisheries checked our catch last week on Jervis Bay N.S.W. We had 18 squid (two guys) The bag limit in Nsw is 20 per person, so that was fine but we were told that if we had launched at Murrays Beach the bag limit is 10 per person!!! Murrays Beach is in Booderee national Park (Commonwealth waters.) but I have never heard of two different bag limits on one bay.
Likes: 0 Login to reply 6 years ago
Interesting question.

All of Jervis Bay is part of the ACT. Although for the most part NSW Law applies, it remain a part of the Australian Capital Territory.

Yes, there are different regs depending on what part of the Bay you are on. Sounds like the ranger was pulling you along a bit. Where you launch you boat means is where your boat is when you catch a fish that matters.

Within JB if no limits are stated for a particular area, then NSW limits apply.

Booderee does have squid limits of 10 per person. As such, NSW limits only apply outside of Booderee waters...Confused yet ?? :)

Here is a link to some info -

Which includes this - "
(NOTE: Fishing bag limits are the same as the adjoining NSW
waters, with the exception of squid collected - 10 per person)"

Thanks for that link itsaboat, still confused though. If I launch at Murrays (squid limit 10) then catch squid at Plantation point (squid limit 20) and the fishos check me back at Murrays am I legal?? Don't know whether the rules apply where they check you or where you actually catch the squid.As I read it the bag limits are where you CATCH the fish.
Yes, that is how I read it too. The bag limit applies to the location where you catch the fish.

There is a difference between bag limit and possession limit. I don't see where they state a possession limit applies. It would be worth asking them for information sheets and ask them what Act applies to transit through the NP.

Possession limit is exactly that...what you have in your possession which includes at home in the freezer. So if you have 15 in the freezer at home and your possession limit is 20, then your bag limit is now 5.

Thinking of dogs. If you have a dog in your car you can drive through a NP. But if you stop half way even for just a few minutes you are breaking the Law. Even if the dog stays in your car while you have a quick toilet stop...Dogs are not allowed, you can transit through the NP with your dog but you must not stop.

Using the boat ramp means you have stopped in the NP and are using the NP facilities. Your bag limit of 20 is legal as long as you are just in transit through the NP. On the other hand if the boat ramp is owned by NSW Roads (RMS) then you have not stopped in the NP.