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smell of fish in the car


From keeping fishing stuff in the car It's starting to smell. Whats the secret method to get the smell out.

Thanks for any help you can be.
Likes: 1 Login to reply 6 years ago
Oh mate! You are not alone there. Our cars or campers whatever we have had were all smell like fish or Gulp oil. :'(
Sorry to hear that Lloyd, I spilled a bucket of prawns on the car carpet. Had to trade the car in, the salesman wasn't impressed and that showed in the trade-in price !!! Bicarb soda is supposed to absorb the odours but you probably need to use a commercial carpet shampooer and a strong scented detergent.  Good luck.
Yup can be a problem. Best advice that helps. Wipe all your fishing gear after use. As for bait. Take iy out and freeze it or toss it immediately. Lay scented plastic down in car boot if stuff is stored in there. If through window. Send car for a monthly valay. Thats the ptice of enjoyment.
I use a bottle sprayer of 2 table spoon white vinegar and 1 pint water. Kills the odor out. I read it on an article on many uses of vinegar and this one of it. I use it in our bathroom, trash can, cars etc...leaves scent of cider wood. This kills the odor and not mask it like store bought sprayer.

Thanks for the help with the smell of fish in the car. The vinegar thing worked just fine smell gone.
2 tablespoons of water,mixed with one teaspoon of vanilla essence in a litre of fresh water sprayed onto the area.Leave for 10 minutes then wipe off with a clean damp sponge and fresh water.Fishing clothing can also be sprayed with the same solution and then washed.Also vey effective for cleaning hands and does not affect bait.Good luck!!

South Coast Kwazulu Natal
South Africa