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fishing with worms for trout | Category: Fishing Talk

Bettyboof 5 years ago

Im just wondering what body of water is best when fishing with worms?

Mark Totzke 5 years ago

Hi Betty,

what kinda fish are you trying to catch with worms?
Any body of water should be fine, if there are fish in there that will eat worms

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
Bettyboof 5 years ago

rainbow fish and browns

Mark Totzke 5 years ago

yep, so you can use worms in lakes and rivers. Trout love worms.

You just need to check your local fishing regulations.
In many places you are only allowed to fish with artificial lures for trout.
But if bait fishing is allowed, you can certainly use worms. I have heard that corn kernels also work pretty good.

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
Bettyboof 5 years ago

Thanks for the tip,I'll be in touch! HAPPY FISHING