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What ><(((('> Is It | Category: Fishing Talk

DefaultDodge 7 years ago

Hi, I was hoping to get some help Identifying some fish.
It would be good to be a sophisticated fisherman rather than just saying oh! another one of them.
This looks like a fingerprint bream but I don't think It Is.

Not sure what this Is but I've caught a few of them now.

Maybe their both bream and I'm just used to the southern ones.
Thanks In Advance.

It would be good to be a sophisticated fisherman rather than just saying oh! another one of them.
Mark Totzke 7 years ago

not sure what they are. Itsaboat might know.
But I like your ASCII Art in the heading

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away
itsaboat 7 years ago

The first one is a fingermark bream also know as a golden snapper.

I am not 100% sure on the other one. At I guess I would say a seaperch.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
fisher6278 7 years ago

suggest you use the the recfish website to id your catch its free to update to your i phone

itsaboat 7 years ago

I thought recfish was specific to W.A. only. These fish are being caught in Queensland.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
fisher6278 7 years ago

its true they are.
Do you have a similar organisation in Queensland?

itsaboat 7 years ago

I don't know. I don't live in Qld.

The second fish does not match anything listed on Qld Fisheries or DPI sites. However, it is only the red and blue fins that make it different to a Spaniard which is a type of seaperch.

So my guess, is seaperch. It is just a matter of finding out which one. Do you have anything similar in WA that might be used as a cross reference?

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
fisher6278 7 years ago

Leave it with me and i will consult the guru at the AAAWA

DefaultDodge 7 years ago

Thank You, I rekon you have pretty much hit the nail on the head there.
Next Spaniard I get ima do the lime juice, onion, tomato, coconut cream sortov raw recipe.
This Is the last one I did like that and I only did It because the captain said there the best eating. But I've learned since he says that with nearly everything I catch.
I'd like to know what It Is If you should know.
angel fish comes to mind but there are other fish that shape.

It would be good to be a sophisticated fisherman rather than just saying oh! another one of them.
itsaboat 7 years ago

It looks like a batfish or bat fish, to me.

I have never caught a batfish, so I can't say if they are good eating or not.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
fisher6278 7 years ago

I can't be absolute from the picture supplied and no info on where it was caught.
A pic with the dorsal fin extended would have assisted.
With all of that said I'm 90% sure it is an Orange Spotted emperor Lethrinus erythracanthus

Go to link at for further details.
Hope this helps

DefaultDodge 7 years ago

That would be It. It was good eating but not much meat on It.
Thanks itsaboat.

It would be good to be a sophisticated fisherman rather than just saying oh! another one of them.
DefaultDodge 7 years ago

What do you rekon these are.
Looks like a bream but the colours wrong I think!

This looks like the perch but It's a different colour as well.

Their both getting eaten.

It would be good to be a sophisticated fisherman rather than just saying oh! another one of them.
DefaultDodge 7 years ago

Got told that could be a mangrove jack.

It would be good to be a sophisticated fisherman rather than just saying oh! another one of them.
itsaboat 7 years ago

The second one is definitely a sea perch. But which one? There is a perch that has yellow stripes. Hard to tell from your photo but it looks like it has yellow stripes.

The first one is not a jack. It looks more like a sweet lips to me. I will see if I can narrow down the exact make and model

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Euan 7 years ago

Top one is a spangled emperor by the looks, bottom one is a fingermark perch (or gold band snapper depending where you live )

Euan 7 years ago

Top one is a Moses Perch, quite common here in QLD. good eating if you catch them big enough.

itsaboat 7 years ago

Yes, a spangled emperor. The dots threw me but a second look and I see it now.

The second one is more like a yellow-margined seaperch. Not easy to tell from the photo.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !