New to fishing in NE Florida
Hello guys! I recently moved to St. augustine, FL and my complex has a fishing pier that goes into the ICWW. I had never been fishing before, but I wanted to give it a try. I took myself down to the local Angler shop and got a fishing pole and now I check this site everyday to know when to go out there and I've been fortunate to catch some croaker, crabs, eel, small catfish, and a small grouper using dead shrimp as bait. I know I'm a complete novice at this but I'm curious as to why I'm losing so many shrimp. It seems that no matter what I do, something (crabs?) are taking them right off my hook with in minutes. Also, I can only seem to catch when I fish right off the pier. I don't get anything when I cast so I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong. I'd also love any advice you more experienced anglers may have. Thanks!
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11 years ago
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