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Major & Minor Fishing Times ???


I know this is late in the game, however, here goes anyway.....

I've been looking around the internet, and have seen disclaimers of solunar tables with statements accurate to the state. Further stating that the Times are Geographically Centered to Each State, and to obtain a more accurate time to your position, for every 12 miles east or west of center, add a minute.

Not looking at jumping ship, but Memphis is about 220 miles from Nashville, TN (pretty much dead center) Is Fishingreminder based on the ZIP Coordinates. I know that the dead recconing map coordinates that I set up, put me on the edge of the lake that I live, and the weather data is almost dead on far as barometer, temp as I compare to a USGS Weather Station about 2miles north west of me.

My fishing successes this year have litterly been in the shitter..... Last summer many of the lakes in the immediate area, know of 7 that had oxygen depletion events and huge die off's, the lake that I live lost about 30,000 mostly bait fish, and counted about 60 Keepable Sized LgMouth Bass. ( 3-5lbs ) now small game fish, mostly shad. P/S for anyone that knows the approximate recovery time, as the lake seems to be Ph balanced, clear water, just NO Strikes..... Need some extreme hand holding here guys..... How LONG? caught 1 3-4lb bass since last August.

ALSO... Let me add, that since I've been following Fishingreminder's times, (into second year) that I've caught more bass than my previous 25 years collectively on this lake. (Thank You);) 2nd Point} Maybe 90% of my better and memorable catches were in the last 20minutes of the 2nd hour of published Major or Minor Hours.

This is why I'm concerned with the Middle of the State disclaimers I've read on a couple of competitors tables. Please advise....

3rd Point} I go to Bass Pro between 6 & 8 times a month, and on friendship terms with most all of the fishing associates and none of them use Solunar Tables, and many have never heard of why they might be effective, and some enter fishing terminates and place.... duh... I've tried to convert and given your web address out many times to employees as well as customers that occasionally you engage in a conversation. Is there a membership area of users by state or country that I'm over looking????

Pls let me know about the Major & Minor positioning to one's location....

Thanks Mark,

Likes: 0 Login to reply 12 years ago

Fishingreminder does not base its predictions on the center of the state or any zip codes.
One reason I developed fishingreminder is that I didn't like the idea of having to manually add or subtract time to get an accurate reading.

Fishingreminder calculates the fishing times directly based on latitude and longitude of the selected location and will use the nearest available weather and tide station for the additional data.

Glad to hear that your fishing success increased by using fishingreminder.

When I talk to fellow anglers I notice that some of them are not interested in solunar times at all. They normally tell me that fish bite any time - no matter what. Interestingly they come home empty handed most of the time or catch only small fish. Some even get angry if you try to give them some tips on how to increase their fishing :-)

For me the solunar times work great - especially if I can match sunrise/sunset with either major or minor times.