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Ice Fishing

Hard water is here.
Likes: 0 Login to reply 12 years ago
Here too, we've been hammering the northerns. No better time than when they're in the
spawn. Some of the bigger lakes haven't started to ice up yet though. Been a bit of a mild
fall around here.

Wednesdays catch.

brrr - looks cold :-)

How is this electric fisherman knife for filleting? Would you recommend it?
Or do mainly just use it in icy conditions?
I just started using it this fall. I've done about 250 fish all around the 2.5 to 4.0
range. You have to give it time, let it do the work but after getting used to it it's
much easier and more controllable for taking the filet off. I still go back to a conventional knife to remove the skins and debone the fish. But that is where the
real advantage comes. Your knife stays sharp because you aren't cutting bones
with it. I've only hit my knife on a stone 3 times this fall, a steel to roll the edge
has kept it like a razor.
I'm just a cold weather person. Can't stand dealing with fish or game meat when
it's hot out.