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using the app

Hello there; I go fishing at the major time and in the fishing area where I know there is fish at the times specified in the "Best Fishing Times" application, but I cannot catch fish. I catch more fish on the same rangelands in major and minor as well. Is there a situation in the application that I missed?
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Hi there,

Some areas fish better on minor times and some areas fish better on major times. It needs a little experimentation to find which time performs best in a certain spot.
Sometimes it is also better to fish a minor time time in the evening or morning rather than a major time in the middle of the day.
Especially if you fish in shallower water. 

Thank you very much for your interest and information.

may god and luck always be with you.
That's the indicator for the current time. Only shows on the current day and will be the time you refreshed the web page.