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Growing old

pete70s says:
Newbie to the site.
I wake each day in wonder!  I wonder where I can sit in the shade, I wonder where I can set up my lawn chair and fish in peace. :).  
I can't complain.  I've enjoyed years of boat, kayak and wade fishing.  Age is catching up on me.  Too many back surgeries and various and sundry impediments to do what I really want.   But, I'll take what I can get.  
My older brother and I had us a nice little honey hole nearby, but they came in and cleared the property and dug out the lake to make room for a nice fountain and new homes.  We are looking for another catch and release here in the Houston area. 
Any ideas out there?ImageImage
Likes: 2 Login to reply 3 years ago
Welcome to Fishing Reminder :)

I can think of worse things to do in retirement than go fishing..:)

I can't help with locations because I am in Australia. But looking at the map, it looks like you have quite a selection to pick from. Everything from beach and lake through to rivers and dams.
From a 77 year older.

I like to use 'older' rather than 'old'.

Seems like 'old' is the final destination and 'older' is a journey lived one day at a time. Sure you arrive at the same place; however the journey is much more fun.

Anyway my bit of personal philosophy.

Andrew form Oz