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What might this be?

Crazy D says:
Likes: 0 Login to reply 6 years ago
Some sort of worm.
Weird one....Moving like a worm? Where did you find it? 
G'day mate, yeah mystery. Found it in the Murray river near Gordon ACT 
Surely you mean the Murrumbidgee River ?

I have no idea what sort of worm this is. But at a guess, it might be some sort of intestinal worm. Being on or near the Bidgee such a worm could survive long enough for you to find it and take a photo of it. It might have come from road kill, picked up by a bird and then dropped. Plenty of road kill around Gordon...rabbits, foxes, roo's etc.
its a parasite. 
Two votes for intestinal worm (parasite).

Do you happen to have some more detailed info such as length. Did you happen to touch it, was it firm or soft ?

Might be worth dropping a line to RSPCA or National Parks or MDBA.