Cod Season Again
Seems like it is just a year ago that COD season opened last time...and here it is again !! I am starting to think this is some sort of annual event hahaha.
December 1 marks the open season for Murray Cod.
The past 4 seasons have had plans different to my plans...My plans was "catch some cod"...Those with higher powers than us mere mortals had plans like flood, fire and covid...plus a couple of things I did not know even existed !!
This season, the higher powers thought it might be funny to throw a few more floods towards me...Not amused. I see your floods and raise you a freezer full of carp !!
I know when I am beaten. This makes it 5 years in a row that my plans and target is cod, only to be pushed to one side...So this year my target is CARP.
December 1 marks the open season for Murray Cod.
The past 4 seasons have had plans different to my plans...My plans was "catch some cod"...Those with higher powers than us mere mortals had plans like flood, fire and covid...plus a couple of things I did not know even existed !!
This season, the higher powers thought it might be funny to throw a few more floods towards me...Not amused. I see your floods and raise you a freezer full of carp !!
I know when I am beaten. This makes it 5 years in a row that my plans and target is cod, only to be pushed to one side...So this year my target is CARP.
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1 year ago
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