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Sooke, where the Rainforest meets the Sea | Category: Introduce yourself

Burlybeatfarmer 8 years ago

New Member.
I fish outside of the Sooke Basin. In the Juan De Fuca Straight. Here we catch Salmon, Halibut, Rock Fish and Crab. I use a 17' Boston Whaler Dauntless. We troll for Salmon here. Or Anchor in about 300' of water for Halibut. Happy to find this site.

itsaboat 8 years ago

Hi Burlybeatfarmer.

Welcome to the site, I hope you find it helpful.

Nice looking boat.

itsaboat mate...Life is just a boat and then ya marry one !
Mark Totzke 8 years ago

Hey mate

Welcome to fishingreminder. Looks like you got a really nice setup there.
I love Halibut. My favourite eating fish.

Happy fishing

a snapper a day keeps the doctor away