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Hi Guys and Gals - from South Africa | Category: Introduce yourself

Yussiew 10 years ago

My Name is Yusuf. Been fishing regularly for over a year now but have been fishing in my earlier years. Just want to remark that I am glad that I have taken up the hobby AGAIN (LOL). Have visited a number of spots over the last year but thus far my favourite has to be Brandfontein on the southern most tip of Africa. Have yet to see as much species come out in one same spot. Musselcracker/Steenbras/Galjoen/Dassie/Hottentot to name a few.

Great place to fish...

markt 10 years ago

Hi Yussiew

Welcome to the forum. Fishing in surely one of the best hobbies around
Especially if one lives in a perfect place for it, like yourself.

Where do you live in South Africa?

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles.