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Major / Minor Fishing Times

Teresa says:
Hello, I'm new to fishingreminder and fishing in general. I'm tired of coming home empty handed even though I enjoyed the time on the water. I live the gulf ocean and typically fish off a pier or wade in the bay. What is the difference between major and minor fishing times? Is one better than the other?
Likes: 0 Login to reply 12 years ago
Hi Teresa

Welcome to fishingreminder.
Minor times are generally a little shorter and fish are less agressive then in the major times.

However - try to pick the best time by matching either major or minor times with sunrise/sunset and local weather conditions like windspeed, clear sky, tidal current, etc

For example - if you have a minor time matched with sunrise and little wind and clear sky you might get better results then fishing during a major time in the middle of the day with lots of wind.

On the other hand if the weather is really bad at sunrise, you might get the best results in the middle of the day during a major time when the weather is better.

hope that makes sense
