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Gidday from New Zealand

😊 Found the site by pure chance while looking for tide times and I am impressed, especially by the locally applicable solunar tables and bite times. Decades ago when I was a professional hunter I often guaged whether it was a good time to go hunting by observing moth activity. Lots of moths active in the evening indicated a good hunt. No moths meant it would be a waste of time. I also watched the barometer closely and generally only hunted if the mercury was rising. I also found different fish species react in different ways during moon changes. Yellowfin behave differently to Marlin at given moon phases. Fished for trout since I was a small boy, mainly at Taupo and Rotorua. Spent some years also as a fishing guide and lure maker.
Little cash but I value the important things in life, like family, fishing, hunting, hunting dogs and the wild outdoors; and these simple things are accessible to me in moderation at little cost. Of course, if one wanted "the best hunting, the best fishing" etc, then even in NZ, these things become more expensive and out of reach of the average man or woman. I mainly hunt and fish for recreation and food.
Likes: 0 Login to reply 14 years ago
hi huntnfish

Welcome to fishingreminder. Sounds like your living a very exciting life :-)
Where abouts in NZ do you live now? I love trout fishing but its a bit far from Auckland.
Was reading up on a Japanese Style of fly fishing with a much simpler setup.
Its called tenkara - looks very interesting -

Anyway good luck with your outings and I hope fishingreminder will prove to be useful for you.
Hi Markt. I live about 25km north of Taupo. Had a charter business there for a few years.
Tried to upload my pic but did not work.

Went to Pukehina wednesday and netted a couple of flounder. Hope to go again tomorrow but will see what the wind is doing, as it is blowing SE 20 knots here at present. Not good.

o yeah - flounder fishing - I got myself a spear and light and wanna give it a go soon.
Just gotta find a nice spot somewhere.

I see you got your profile picture - did the upload work or did you try to upload another one?
Hi markt.
When I wrote my introduction I tried to upload a photo, (not large) using the browse link below, but it did not work. The Atavar one did work though. I will try again another time on the forum . Cheers.
you can also upload your photos in the photo section:

It will be easier then for other members to see them and perhaps leave a comment.
You're a lucky man being able to live your life in New Zealand... literally the only place on earth I'd really like to visit before takin' the high road!

Sure would love to see some photos of fishing over there.
hiya highcountry

yeah it is really a great place to live. Let me know when you decide to come over and we go out fishing together 😉 There are a couple of photos in the photo section. Next time I'm out kayaking I'll take a few more shots of the surroundings.
Good one mate. Mind you, I think the US is a fabulous place as well, especially with the large variety of animals and fish you have there.