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Newbie fishing the auckland shores

Hi all,

Im new to fishing and am searching for an easy wharf to cast off preferably on the east coast as I have heard about the treacherous west and want to take baby steps.

Im originally from chch, currently studying at unitec and living in henderson.

I've just finished my end of year exams and have found that fishing helps clear my head of exam tension and from home responsibilities.

Does anyone know of an easy wharf to fish close to auckland? I was thinking about devonport or possibly further up the north east coast.

I tried shelly beach which is more west and ended up pulling up a heap of red sludgy stuff and lost way too many hooks and sinkers.

Any ideas?
Likes: 0 Login to reply 12 years ago
There are a few good options around central auckland. The best ones are on the community map on the site (menu fishing maps/community map).
Hi there

There are lots of people fishing on the Orakei wharf, near Mission Bay.
You can get some good snapper there if you're lucky. Also squid fishing is good during squid season. People also fish of the rocks around this area.

Another wharf to try is the cornwallis wharf on the Manukau Harbour. Can get Snapper, Kahawai and Gurnard there. It gets quite crowded on the weekend though.

If you don't mind a little walkabout you could go up to the Whangaparoa peninsula all the way to Army Bay at the end and then walk around the rocks and fish from there.

hope that helps
I will try those out soon. I also noticed a few fishing off the side of the road in huia and around the rocks of whatipu.
Do you reckon squid bait is all good for snapper?
I'd say the chances are better from the rocks in Whatipu then from the road.
I tried once from the road and only had a few nibbles. Its quite shallow there. You might get small Kahawai if your lucky. I don't think you would get any decent snapper there.

Squid should be good for snapper. Could also use pilchards.
But squid is easier to use and wont fall off that easily when casting.

Your best bet would be to take a little sabiki rig and try to catch a yellow tail and cut it up for bait. Fresh bait usually works best.