🇳🇿 A big rainbow trout
🇳🇿 snapper
🇳🇿 A nice carrot
🇳🇿 A big suprise at sunset fishing at a remote beach in New Zealand
🇳🇿 Kahawai with Aeroo Drone
🇳🇿 Wild brown trout at lake roroiti(Nelson)
🇳🇿 Kahawai, Australian salmon
🇳🇿 Nice Carrots!
🇳🇿 A nice big snapper
🇳🇿 A nice snapper for dinner
🇳🇿 A big snapper
🇳🇿 Life time PB Yellow Tail Kingfish
🇳🇿 A big rainbow at Lake Rotoiti New Zealand
🇳🇿 Micro Jig I used to catch a trout and a little fish from the trout's stomach
🇳🇿 A big rainbow trout!
🇳🇿 The first rainbow trout in 2023
🇳🇿 Trevally off the rock
🇳🇿 Snapper on a Zman soft bait
🇳🇿 Baby Shark dododo!
🇳🇿 2 good eating sized snapper