Just as important is the type of bait and the bait presentation. City fish are cautious and wont take anything. Only bait that is fresh and presented in a irresistable way has a chance to be taken. Also berley would be highly recommended to draw the few fish to your spot.

While watching fishermen on wharfs and rocks around the city, I never saw anyone catching anything, except some small bait fish.
From my experience people fishing in cities need an enormous amount of patience and skill to score a fish in the crowds.
It might be easier to fish in city park lakes that are frequently stocked up with fish - I have never tried that.
Because of frequent boat traffic, noise, lights and temperature differences the bite behaviour and bite times might differ from normal fishing times.
Although whenever I fish near a city, I still get most strikes (if any) during the major times. I tried to fish from wharfs at night time to avoid the crowds and had a few bites then.
But in summary there are a few things to increase the chances to catch fish near cities
If anyone has more tips or different experiences, please add a comment.
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