Eagle Point πΊπΈ
Nautical Twilight begins:06:18 amSunrise:07:19 am
Sunset:05:31 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:32 pm
Moonrise:10:25 am
Moonset:12:07 am
Moon over:05:32 pm
Moon under:05:16 am
- First Quarter Moon
Distance to earth:363,929 kmProximity:98.1 %
Moon Phases for Eagle Point
poor Day
major Time:04:16 am - 06:16 am
minor Time:09:25 am - 11:25 am
major Time:04:32 pm - 06:32 pm
minor Time:11:07 pm - 01:07 am
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Tue, 04 Feb
04:16 am -
06:16 am
04:32 pm -
06:32 pm
09:25 am -
11:25 am
11:07 pm -
01:07 am
R: 07:19 am S: 05:31 pm |
R: 10:25 am S: 12:07 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Wed, 05 Feb
05:10 am -
07:10 am
05:30 pm -
07:30 pm
12:25 am -
02:25 am
09:56 am -
11:56 am
R: 07:18 am S: 05:32 pm |
R: 10:56 am S: 01:25 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Thu, 06 Feb
06:08 am -
08:08 am
06:32 pm -
08:32 pm
01:42 am -
03:42 am
10:35 am -
12:35 pm
R: 07:17 am S: 05:33 pm |
R: 11:35 am S: 02:42 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Fri, 07 Feb
07:09 am -
09:09 am
07:39 pm -
09:39 pm
02:55 am -
04:55 am
11:23 am -
01:23 pm
R: 07:16 am S: 05:35 pm |
R: 12:23 pm S: 03:55 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sat, 08 Feb
08:11 am -
10:11 am
08:45 pm -
10:45 pm
03:59 am -
05:59 am
12:23 pm -
02:23 pm
R: 07:15 am S: 05:36 pm |
R: 01:23 pm S: 04:59 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sun, 09 Feb
09:11 am -
11:11 am
09:47 pm -
11:47 pm
04:52 am -
06:52 am
01:30 pm -
03:30 pm
R: 07:13 am S: 05:37 pm |
R: 02:30 pm S: 05:52 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Mon, 10 Feb
10:07 am -
12:07 pm
10:42 pm -
12:42 am
05:33 am -
07:33 am
02:42 pm -
04:42 pm
R: 07:12 am S: 05:39 pm |
R: 03:42 pm S: 06:33 am |
Full Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Eagle Point area
We found a total of 47 potential fishing spots nearby Eagle Point. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Crater Canal - 1km , Little Butte Creek Siphon - 4km , Pettegrew Lateral - 5km , Hoover Dam Number 1 - 6km , Hoover Dam Number 3 - 6km , Hoover Dam Number 2 - 6km , Agate Dam - 7km , Modoc Pond - 7km , Medford Irrigation District Canal - 7km , Dodge Bridge - 7km , Yankee Creek Siphon - 8km , Whetstone Pond - 8km , Bybee Bridge (historical) - 8km , Hamel Dam Number 2 (historical) - 8km , Hammel Lateral - 9km , Woolfolk Dam - 9km , Table Rock Canal - 9km , Yankee Creek Dam - 10km , Skou Dam - 10km , Coker Butte Lateral - 10km , Medco Number 3 Dam - 11km , Upton Lateral - 12km , Stanley Dam - 12km , Owen Dam - 12km , Lester James Dam Number 3 - 12km , Lester James Dam - 12km , Duggan Dam - 12km , Nelson Dam - 13km , Kendall Slough - 13km , Lake of the Cedars - 14km , Osborne Creek Dam - 14km , Kelly Slough - 14km , Gold Ray Dam - 15km , Woodrat Knob Dam - 15km , Eagle Point Irrigation Canal - 15km , Star Lake Dam - 15km , Bradshaw Dam - 16km , Harrison Dam - 16km , F P Number One Dam - 16km , Timber Products Company Dam - 16km , Hopkins Canal - 16km , Simpson Dam - 17km , Medford Forest Nursery Dam (historical) - 17km , Sams Valley Dam - 17km , Pierce Dam - 17km , Bradshaw Number 2 Dam - 18km , Lakecreek Dam - 18km