Duryea 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:05:48 amSunrise:06:47 am
Sunset:07:27 pmNautical Twilight ends:08:27 pm
Moonrise:07:16 am
Moonset:09:24 pm
Moon over:02:20 pm
Moon under:02:05 am
New Moon
Distance to earth:363,339 kmProximity:99.4 %
Moon Phases for Duryea
excellent Day
major Time:01:05 am - 03:05 am
minor Time:
06:16 am - 08:16 am
major Time:01:20 pm - 03:20 pm
minor Time:08:24 pm - 10:24 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Sun, 30 Mar
01:05 am -
03:05 am
01:20 pm -
03:20 pm
06:16 am -
08:16 am
08:24 pm -
10:24 pm
R: 06:47 am S: 07:27 pm |
R: 07:16 am S: 09:24 pm |
![]() New Moon |
Mon, 31 Mar
01:57 am -
03:57 am
02:15 pm -
04:15 pm
06:45 am -
08:45 am
09:46 pm -
11:46 pm
R: 06:45 am S: 07:29 pm |
R: 07:45 am S: 10:46 pm |
![]() Waxing Crescent |
Tue, 01 Apr
02:51 am -
04:51 am
03:13 pm -
05:13 pm
07:20 am -
09:20 am
11:07 pm -
01:07 am
R: 06:44 am S: 07:30 pm |
R: 08:20 am S: - |
![]() Waxing Crescent |
Wed, 02 Apr
03:35 am -
05:35 am
04:02 pm -
06:02 pm
08:04 am -
10:04 am
11:07 pm -
01:07 am
R: 06:42 am S: 07:31 pm |
R: 09:04 am S: 12:07 am |
![]() Waxing Crescent |
Thu, 03 Apr
04:39 am -
06:39 am
05:11 pm -
07:11 pm
12:22 am -
02:22 am
08:57 am -
10:57 am
R: 06:40 am S: 07:32 pm |
R: 09:57 am S: 01:22 am |
![]() First Quarter Moon |
Fri, 04 Apr
05:42 am -
07:42 am
06:17 pm -
08:17 pm
01:25 am -
03:25 am
10:00 am -
12:00 pm
R: 06:39 am S: 07:33 pm |
R: 11:00 am S: 02:25 am |
![]() First Quarter Moon |
Sat, 05 Apr
06:42 am -
08:42 am
07:17 pm -
09:17 pm
02:16 am -
04:16 am
11:09 am -
01:09 pm
R: 06:37 am S: 07:34 pm |
R: 12:09 pm S: 03:16 am |
![]() First Quarter Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Duryea area
Beaches and Bays are ideal places for land-based fishing. If the beach is shallow and the water is clear then twilight times are usually the best times, especially when they coincide with a major or minor fishing time. Often the points on either side of a beach are the best spots. Or if the beach is large then look for irregularities in the breaking waves, indicating sandbanks and holes. We found 1 beaches and bays in this area.
Campbells Ledge Dam - 5km
We found a total of 76 potential fishing spots nearby Duryea. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
New Rall Dam - 2km , Rocky Glen Dam - 3km , Glenwood Lake Dam - 3km , Covey Dam - 4km , Spring Brook Intake Dam - 5km , Scovell Island - 5km , Campbells Ledge Dam - 5km , Falling Springs Dam - 5km , Stark Dam - 6km , PA-5 Dam - 6km , Nesbitt Dam - 7km , Wintermoot Island - 7km , South Side Bridge - 7km , Mill Creek Dam - 7km , Joslyn Pond - 8km , Gardner Creek Dam - 8km , Mill Creek Intake Dam - 9km , YMCA Dam - 9km , Cooling Pond Dam - 10km , Monocanock Island - 10km , Williams Bridge Dam - 10km , Lake Scranton Dam - 10km , Deep Hollow Dam - 11km , Dam Number Two - 11km , Cummings Pond - 11km , Watres Dam - 11km , Lake Aleeda Dam - 11km , Hazard Pond - 11km , Culver Island - 11km , D and H Green Ridge Bridge - 12km , Frances Slocum Dam - 12km , Benjamin Pond - 12km , Pump Works Bridge - 12km , Number Seven Dam - 12km , Maple Lake Dam - 13km , Laurel Run Number Two Dam - 13km , Colebrook Dam - 13km , Harry E Braker Dam Number One - 14km , Boar Hole - 14km , Interlaken Dam - 14km , Silver Lake - 14km , Dunmore Number One Dam - 14km , Mountain Lake Dam - 15km , Cobbs Lake Dam - 15km , Meadow Lake Run - 15km , Meadow Lake Dam - 15km , Lake Louise Dam - 15km , Summit Lake Dam - 15km , Maple Lake - 15km , Market Street Bridge - 16km , Lance Pond - 16km , Lake Manjo Dam - 16km , Fords Lake Dam - 16km , Giovannini Dam - 17km , Compton Dam - 17km , Perrins Marsh Dam - 17km , Bear Lake - 17km , Fish Island (historical) - 17km , Grassy Pond - 17km , Gravel Pond - 17km , Eikes Pond Dam - 18km , Griffin Dam - 18km , Bear Creek Dam - 18km , Indian Lake - 18km , Indian Lake Dam - 18km , Dunmore Number Three Dam - 18km , Marshwood Dam - 18km , Conrail Franklin Bridge - 19km , Richard Island - 19km , Glenburn Dam - 19km , Kasulaitis Lake - 20km , Winola Mill Pond Dam - 20km , Lake Champagne - 20km , Buck Pond - 20km , Nines Pond - 20km , Stevenson Pond - 20km
