Columbia City πΊπΈ
Nautical Twilight begins:06:46 amSunrise:07:47 am
Sunset:06:05 pmNautical Twilight ends:07:05 pm
Moonrise:11:27 am
Moonset:01:44 am
Moon over:06:55 pm
Moon under:06:35 am
- First Quarter Moon
Distance to earth:365,405 kmProximity:94.6 %
Moon Phases for Columbia City
poor Day
minor Time:12:44 am - 02:44 am
major Time:05:35 am - 07:35 am
minor Time:10:27 am - 12:27 pm
major Time:05:55 pm - 07:55 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Wed, 05 Feb
05:35 am -
07:35 am
05:55 pm -
07:55 pm
12:44 am -
02:44 am
10:27 am -
12:27 pm
R: 07:47 am S: 06:05 pm |
R: 11:27 am S: 01:44 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Thu, 06 Feb
06:33 am -
08:33 am
06:57 pm -
08:57 pm
02:00 am -
04:00 am
11:06 am -
01:06 pm
R: 07:45 am S: 06:07 pm |
R: 12:06 pm S: 03:00 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Fri, 07 Feb
07:33 am -
09:33 am
08:03 pm -
10:03 pm
03:12 am -
05:12 am
11:54 am -
01:54 pm
R: 07:44 am S: 06:08 pm |
R: 12:54 pm S: 04:12 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sat, 08 Feb
08:35 am -
10:35 am
09:08 pm -
11:08 pm
04:18 am -
06:18 am
12:53 pm -
02:53 pm
R: 07:43 am S: 06:09 pm |
R: 01:53 pm S: 05:18 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sun, 09 Feb
09:35 am -
11:35 am
10:10 pm -
12:10 am
05:12 am -
07:12 am
01:59 pm -
03:59 pm
R: 07:42 am S: 06:10 pm |
R: 02:59 pm S: 06:12 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Mon, 10 Feb
10:32 am -
12:32 pm
11:08 pm -
01:08 am
05:56 am -
07:56 am
03:09 pm -
05:09 pm
R: 07:41 am S: 06:12 pm |
R: 04:09 pm S: 06:56 am |
Full Moon |
Tue, 11 Feb
11:25 am -
01:25 pm
10:51 pm -
12:51 am
06:30 am -
08:30 am
04:20 pm -
06:20 pm
R: 07:39 am S: 06:13 pm |
R: 05:20 pm S: 07:30 am |
Full Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Columbia City area
We found a total of 96 potential fishing spots nearby Columbia City. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Phillip Ditch - 1km , Phillips Ditch - 1km , County Farm Ditch - 2km , Maynard Ditch - 4km , Dowell Ditch - 5km , Knisely Ditch - 5km , Miller Ditch - 5km , Mossman Ditch - 5km , Rittenhouse Ditch - 5km , Cole Ditch - 6km , Leininger Lake - 6km , Metzger Pond - 6km , Brown Ditch - 7km , Gangwer Ditch - 7km , Ice House Lake - 7km , Kerch Ditch - 7km , Little Wilson Lake - 7km , Mowrey Ditch - 7km , Rouch Ditch - 7km , Wilson Lake - 7km , Krider Ditch - 8km , Linvill Ditch - 8km , Black Lake - 9km , Schuman Ditch - 9km , Solon Ditch - 9km , Souder Lake - 9km , Elon Maynard Ditch - 10km , Karen Lake - 10km , Little Troy Cedar Lake - 10km , Sattison Ditch - 10km , Schoenauer Ditch - 10km , Shriner Lake - 10km , Catfish Lake - 11km , Cedar Lake - 11km , Goose Lake - 11km , Indian Lake - 11km , Larwill Lake - 11km , Little Cedar Lake - 11km , Little Crooked Lake - 11km , Menzie Lake - 11km , Round Lake - 11km , Winters Lake - 11km , Compton Ditch - 12km , Crooked Lake - 12km , Emerick Ditch - 12km , Friskney Ditch - 12km , Little Lake - 12km , Mud Lake - 12km , Troy Cedar Lake - 12km , Winters Ditch - 12km , Big Lake - 13km , Crane Lake - 13km , Kaufman Ditch - 13km , Loon Lake - 13km , Mathias Ditch - 13km , McDonald Cunningham Ditch - 13km , Rehling Ditch - 13km , Blue Lake - 14km , Devil Lake - 14km , Devils Lake - 14km , Gable Ditch - 14km , Green Lake - 14km , Guy Ditch - 14km , New Lake - 14km , Old Lake - 14km , Scott Lake - 14km , Tadpole Lake - 14km , Williamson Ditch - 14km , Clouse Lake - 15km , Compton Lake - 15km , Lake Everett - 15km , Rine Lake - 15km , Smith Ditch - 15km , Doke Ditch - 16km , Elder Ditch - 16km , Gandy Ditch - 16km , Keister Lake - 16km , Lehman Ditch - 16km , Lindsey Lake - 16km , Maloney Ditch - 16km , Robinson Lake - 16km , White Branch - 16km , Beal Taylor Ditch - 17km , Bristol Lake - 17km , Gaff Ditch - 17km , Hickman Lake - 17km , Hosler Ditch - 17km , Lee Ditch - 17km , Sanford Lake - 17km , T Lake - 17km , Akers Ditch - 18km , Cub Lake - 18km , High Lake - 18km , Horseshoe Lake - 18km , Mishler Ditch - 18km , Parker Ditch - 18km