Brimfield 🇺🇸
Nautical Twilight begins:05:41 amSunrise:06:41 am
Sunset:07:08 pmNautical Twilight ends:08:08 pm
Moonrise:04:55 am
Moonset:02:34 pm
Moon over:09:44 am
Moon under:09:59 pm
Waning Crescent
Distance to earth:378,163 kmProximity:64.6 %
Moon Phases for Brimfield
good Day
minor Time:03:55 am - 05:55 am
major Time:08:44 am - 10:44 am
minor Time:01:34 pm - 03:34 pm
major Time:08:59 pm - 10:59 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Tue, 25 Mar
08:44 am -
10:44 am
08:59 pm -
10:59 pm
03:55 am -
05:55 am
01:34 pm -
03:34 pm
R: 06:41 am S: 07:08 pm |
R: 04:55 am S: 02:34 pm |
![]() Waning Crescent |
Wed, 26 Mar
09:38 am -
11:38 am
09:51 pm -
11:51 pm
04:24 am -
06:24 am
02:52 pm -
04:52 pm
R: 06:39 am S: 07:09 pm |
R: 05:24 am S: 03:52 pm |
![]() Waning Crescent |
Thu, 27 Mar
10:29 am -
12:29 pm
10:41 pm -
12:41 am
04:49 am -
06:49 am
04:10 pm -
06:10 pm
R: 06:38 am S: 07:10 pm |
R: 05:49 am S: 05:10 pm |
![]() Waning Crescent |
Fri, 28 Mar
11:20 am -
01:20 pm
11:08 pm -
01:08 am
05:12 am -
07:12 am
05:28 pm -
07:28 pm
R: 06:36 am S: 07:12 pm |
R: 06:12 am S: 06:28 pm |
![]() New Moon |
Sat, 29 Mar
12:12 pm -
02:12 pm
11:59 pm -
01:59 am
05:35 am -
07:35 am
06:49 pm -
08:49 pm
R: 06:34 am S: 07:13 pm |
R: 06:35 am S: 07:49 pm |
![]() New Moon |
Sun, 30 Mar
12:50 am -
02:50 am
01:05 pm -
03:05 pm
06:00 am -
08:00 am
08:10 pm -
10:10 pm
R: 06:32 am S: 07:14 pm |
R: 07:00 am S: 09:10 pm |
![]() New Moon |
Mon, 31 Mar
01:44 am -
03:44 am
02:01 pm -
04:01 pm
06:29 am -
08:29 am
09:33 pm -
11:33 pm
R: 06:31 am S: 07:15 pm |
R: 07:29 am S: 10:33 pm |
![]() Waxing Crescent |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Brimfield area
We found a total of 99 potential fishing spots nearby Brimfield. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Sherman Pond - 1km , Wheeler Pond Dam - 1km , Little Alum Pond - 4km , Green Pond - 5km , Lost Lake - 5km , Pork Barrel Pond - 5km , Shephard Pond Dam - 5km , Woodman Pond Dam - 5km , Dean Pond Dam - 6km , East Brimfield Dam - 6km , Holland Pond - 6km , Long Pond - 6km , Alum Pond Dam - 7km , Bradway Dam - 7km , Hamilton Reservoir Dam - 7km , Lake George Dam - 7km , W D Cheney Dam - 7km , Duck Pond - 8km , Earle Pond - 8km , Cedar Pond - 9km , Cedar Pond Dam - 9km , Church Manufacturing Company Dam - 9km , Comins Pond Dam - 9km , Conant Brook Dam - 9km , Leadmine Pond - 9km , Moulton Dam Dropped - 9km , Sturbridge Village Pond Dam - 9km , Vinica Pond Dam - 9km , Fays Bridge - 10km , Fish Pond Dam C - 10km , Norcross Number 2 Dam - 10km , Norcross Number Three Dam - 10km , Palmer Reservoir Upper Dam - 10km , Thompson Lake Dam - 10km , Wallace Pond Dam (historical) - 10km , West Warren Mill Pond Dam - 10km , Zero Manufacturing Company Dam - 10km , Cranberry Pond - 11km , Norcross Number Four Dam - 11km , Goodhall Dam - 12km , Sessions Meadow Marsh Dam - 12km , Beaudry Pond Dam - 12km , Calkins Pond Lower Dam - 12km , Calkins Pond Upper Dam - 12km , Knox Pond - 12km , Paradise Lake Dam - 12km , Quacumquasit Pond - 12km , Saw Mill Pond Dam - 12km , Smith Pond - 12km , Walker Pond - 12km , Mashapaug Pond Dam - 13km , Mashapaug Pond Dike - 13km , Moore Pond - 13km , Moore Pond Dam - 13km , Wells Pond - 13km , Wells Pond Dam - 13km , Forest Lake Dam - 13km , Lamberton Brook Dam - 13km , Number Five Reservoir Dam - 13km , Number Four Reservoir Dam - 13km , Pattaquattic Pond - 13km , Reservoir Number Three Dam - 13km , Ware River Dam - 13km , Westville Dam - 13km , Breakneck Pond - 14km , Hatchet Pond - 14km , Hatchet Pond Dam - 14km , Mashapaug Pond Spillway Dam - 14km , New City Pond Dam - 14km , Willis Pond - 14km , Baldwin Pond Dam - 14km , Bradley Pond - 14km , Quaboag Pond - 14km , Russell Harrington Mill Pond Dam - 14km , Wickaboag Pond - 14km , Jennings Pond Dam - 15km , New Pond Dam - 15km , Stafford Springs Reservoir Number 2 Dam - 15km , Staffordville Reservoir Dam - 15km , State Line Pond - 15km , Stateline Pond Dam - 15km , Brookhaven Lake Dam - 15km , Buxton Hill Pond Dam - 15km , Carpenter Pond - 15km , Cohasse Country Club Dam - 15km , Cohasse Reservoir Dam - 15km , Crystal Lake - 15km , Lilly Pond - 15km , Lower Canal Dam - 15km , Lunden Dam - 15km , Pulpit Rock Pond New Dam - 15km , Pulpit Rock Pond West Dam - 15km , Wenworth Farm Dam - 15km , Corbin Wildlife Marsh Dam - 16km , Hydeville Pond Dam - 16km , Ashworth Dam - 16km , Bondsville Lower Dam - 16km , Boulder Hill Pond Dam - 16km , Claypit Pond - 16km
