Bridgton πΊπΈ
Nautical Twilight begins:05:50 amSunrise:06:53 am
Sunset:05:00 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:03 pm
Moonrise:10:17 am
Moonset:12:50 am
Moon over:05:51 pm
Moon under:05:33 am
- First Quarter Moon
Distance to earth:365,405 kmProximity:94.6 %
Moon Phases for Bridgton
poor Day
major Time:04:33 am - 06:33 am
minor Time:09:17 am - 11:17 am
major Time:04:51 pm - 06:51 pm
minor Time:11:50 pm - 01:50 am
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Wed, 05 Feb
04:33 am -
06:33 am
04:51 pm -
06:51 pm
09:17 am -
11:17 am
11:50 pm -
01:50 am
R: 06:53 am S: 05:00 pm |
R: 10:17 am S: 12:50 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Thu, 06 Feb
05:31 am -
07:31 am
05:55 pm -
07:55 pm
01:09 am -
03:09 am
09:53 am -
11:53 am
R: 06:52 am S: 05:02 pm |
R: 10:53 am S: 02:09 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Fri, 07 Feb
06:32 am -
08:32 am
07:01 pm -
09:01 pm
02:24 am -
04:24 am
10:40 am -
12:40 pm
R: 06:51 am S: 05:03 pm |
R: 11:40 am S: 03:24 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sat, 08 Feb
07:33 am -
09:33 am
08:07 pm -
10:07 pm
03:30 am -
05:30 am
11:37 am -
01:37 pm
R: 06:50 am S: 05:05 pm |
R: 12:37 pm S: 04:30 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sun, 09 Feb
08:34 am -
10:34 am
09:10 pm -
11:10 pm
04:25 am -
06:25 am
12:44 pm -
02:44 pm
R: 06:48 am S: 05:06 pm |
R: 01:44 pm S: 05:25 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Mon, 10 Feb
09:31 am -
11:31 am
10:08 pm -
12:08 am
05:06 am -
07:06 am
01:56 pm -
03:56 pm
R: 06:47 am S: 05:07 pm |
R: 02:56 pm S: 06:06 am |
Full Moon |
Tue, 11 Feb
10:23 am -
12:23 pm
10:59 pm -
12:59 am
05:38 am -
07:38 am
03:09 pm -
05:09 pm
R: 06:45 am S: 05:09 pm |
R: 04:09 pm S: 06:38 am |
Full Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Bridgton area
We found a total of 94 potential fishing spots nearby Bridgton. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Highland Lake Dam - 0km , Mile Island - 2km , Stevens Brook Dam - 2km , Monk Point - 3km , Salmon Point - 3km , Sandy Cove - 3km , Shorey Island - 3km , Abners Nose - 4km , Adams Point - 4km , Bluff Point - 4km , Bog Dam - 4km , Fowler Island - 4km , Little Cove - 4km , Loon Island - 4km , Cape Monday - 4km , Oak Knoll Island - 4km , Penny Island - 4km , Woods Pond Dam - 4km , Zakelo Island - 4km , Beaver Pond - 5km , Bells Point - 5km , Knolls Point - 5km , Long Lake - 5km , Mosquito Island - 5km , Otter Pond - 5km , Adams Pond Dam - 7km , Bear Point - 7km , Crystal Lake Dam - 7km , Long Point - 8km , Stearns Pond - 9km , Cabbage Yard Pond - 9km , Holt Pond - 9km , Kellys Point - 9km , Little Loose Pond - 9km , Mast Cove - 9km , Pine Island - 9km , Wood Island - 9km , Keoka Point - 10km , Bear Pond Dam - 10km , Bog Pond - 10km , Foster Pond - 10km , Lily Pond - 10km , Perley Pond - 10km , Stimpsons Point - 10km , Arrowhead Point - 11km , North Cove - 11km , Wards Cove - 11km , Webber Pond - 11km , Birch Point - 12km , Black Pond - 12km , Granger Pond - 12km , Molly Gut - 12km , Moose Pond Dam - 12km , Walden Pond - 12km , Blackburn Point - 13km , Island Pond - 13km , Keyes Pond - 13km , Little Pond - 13km , Long Pond - 13km , Loon Cove - 13km , Wrights Point - 13km , Duck Pond - 14km , Dyer Ice Pond - 14km , Hancock Pond Dam - 14km , Keoka Lake - 14km , Kezar Pond - 14km , Moose Pond - 14km , Mud Pond - 14km , Peabody Lake Mill Dam - 14km , Rayville Dam - 14km , Brandy Pond - 15km , Cold Rain Pond - 15km , Dead Lake - 15km , Hemlock Bridge - 15km , Jackson Cove - 15km , McWain Pond - 15km , Middle Pond - 15km , Pleasant Lake - 15km , Pleasant Pond - 15km , Sebago Cove - 15km , Trickey Pond - 15km , Breezy Point - 16km , Browns Pond - 16km , Horseshoe Pond - 16km , Kezar River Mill Dam - 16km , Otisfield Cove - 16km , Sand Island - 16km , Walker Island - 16km , Boston Pond - 17km , Dan Charles Pond - 17km , Parker Pond - 17km , Songo Lock Dam - 17km , Songo River Lock - 17km , Inner Island - 18km