river Volga, Russia
by AndreySPb

8 years ago
by dazzling79
Oh! A huge one! Did you eat it? and How did you catch it?
8 years ago
by hat
Must have been a great fight with that fish weighing over 70 lbs.
8 years ago
by janis64
Wow!!! Great catch!!!
8 years ago
by AndreySPb
Was caught bottom fishing rod He's strong , but lazy.
8 years ago
by AndreySPb
very tasty sun-dried and fried
8 years ago
by Mark Totzke
Congrats - awesome catch. That's the first photo on this site from the Volga River in Russia. In which part of the Volga is it?
8 years ago
by AndreySPb
Kharabalinsky district Astrakhan region 47.421861, 47.003480 <a href="https://www.google.ru/maps/place/47%C2%B024'56.8%22N+47%C2%B000'09.5%22E/@47.4078313,47.0920501,11.92z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d47.415788!4d47.002631?hl=ru">map</a>
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