Rig ( smooth hound) shark off my kayak
by Mark Totzke
5 years ago
by itsaboat
That looks like a juvenile grey nurse....Lots of fun on light gear !!
4 years ago
by Mark Totzke
Not sure what a juvenile grey nurse is... is that what you call them over at the ditch? ?
I guess you might get them in the cooler waters of Tasmania.
No had a look - definitely not a grey nurse :-) Grey nurse looks more like what we'd call a bronze whaler and they would grow huge. Probably not edible either.
This is a rig shark or alternatively called a smooth hound. A small sand shark that predominantly feeds off crustaceans. They don't get massive. Although this is definitely a smaller one.
Mainly found in the cooler waters around the South Island. Bonus - they don't have teeth.
One of the edible and actually very good tasting shark species.
Over here they sell them in the fish and chips shops as Lemon fish.
I actually prefer them over snapper as the meat is a bit firmer but not dry and very versatile to use in all sorts of fish dishes.
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