Bin of snapper
by markt

2025 years ago
by booyah
Hey didn't I show you how to make fish tacos?
Tacos are better than soup.....Those fish look
pretty darn tasty!
2025 years ago
by markt
yeah I made tacos a few times already - really nice.
I use the frames and heads to make fish soup and stock.
And normally I pick the meat from the cheeks after cooking and make a sandwich spread.
My only problem is getting rid of the scales when I pick out the meat from the heads.
I should probably scale them before I cook them. But those heads are bastards to scale.
Quite good to use to use the stock for asian inspired noodle soups.
And then I bury the cooked bones and heads in the vegetable garden as fertilizer :-)
Man the veggies grow like crazy on fish.
Nothing get's wasted.
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