Sounds like a Frog
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen

5 years ago
by itsaboat
Good choice !!! :)
Yes, it is poisonous...as opposed to venomous.
It's a puffer fish. In some parts called a toad fish. But in most parts of the world it is known as puffer fish. Same fish family as what the Japanese eat at great risk of death :)
5 years ago
by dazzling79
We love to eat them in Korea. Sashimi is the best delicacy. And soup is the most popular dish! You need to have the special skill and certificate to cook this fish because of the poison. I haven’t seen anyone caught it. Very interesting!
5 years ago
by itsaboat
It is also known as a blowfish. I have had a quick look for some stats. But figures are hard to come by. It is a bit like shark attack...if there is no witness to "confirm" then it never happened !!!
What I have found...11 out of 15 "confirmed" cases in Taiwan ended up dead. Overall it seems that you have about 7% chance of being dead if you eat this fish.
On average about 65 people go to hospital each year in Japan...if I am understanding the figures correctly. On average 0 to 6 people will die each year from eating this fish. On average 5 people just in Japan will die each year from eating this fish while training to get their certificate. Yes, you read correct, most deaths are trainees.
Eating this fish is like picking up a brown snake by the tail. You might do it 100 times or even 1000 times...but the snake only has to bite you one time...and you will be dead !!
5 years ago
by dazzling79
I see that. Happened every now on then. We have good medical ? care in Korea. Just need to know where is the closest hospital when you eat them. But I can tell you it’s very tasty ? and safe to eat if you know how to treat them
5 years ago
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen
Thank you all of you guys... but why some one should risk their life to eat a tasty food. unbelievable that some of our brothers taking this risk.... May God Bless us All
5 years ago
by Mark Totzke
As my grandma used to say: 'No risk, no fun' ?
5 years ago
by itsaboat
Crikey Mark, for a second there I thought you had come up with an antidote for the puffer fish poison....But it turns out you just come up with an anecdote !! hahaha :):)
5 years ago
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen
Guys Look at my other picture and help me out to identify the names of those.
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