21st Nov 2019
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen

5 years ago
by itsaboat
That is some great feedback. Mark will be pleased :)
I only count 15...one must have been to big for the fry pan so you threw it back ?? :)
5 years ago
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen
Haha... the one Stolen by a Wild Cat while it was still hooked in my Fishing Rod, some how I managed unhook and got my rod only , but not the fish. Cat win
5 years ago
by Gloria van der westhuizen
The fish on the right we know as Stump Nose in the Eastern Cape S A.
The top ones on the left look very much like what we call a 74's . The very bottom one might be a juvenile Cape Salmon Family.
5 years ago
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen
Hi Gloria, Thanks for the feed back. The Stump Nose you said is "Black Tail". and other two I dont know the names but the one u think as juvenile looks very transparent when i catch i can even see it mid bone ...
5 years ago
by Syed Asif
good catches ?
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