Don't Know the Name
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen

5 years ago
by itsaboat
It is a type of finger mark bream. I am not familiar with the finger mark spot being so close to the tail, so I am not sure of the exact name. But definitely a finger mark bream.
You probably have a local name for them. The locals there might call them finger mark snapper.
5 years ago
by Shaun Doust
Hi there guys, I'm not sure where you all are but here in South Africa this fish is very abundant and caught in rocky areas and around sandbars in choppy white water. We call them Blacktail!
5 years ago
by bushyd
locals call it black tail
5 years ago
by Imthiyaz Hajamaideen
Thank you all for sharing the names. many thanks indeed @Shaun Doust , Blacktail is the right name matches exactly .
5 years ago
by Shaun Doust
Its a pleasure to be able to help, tight lines everyone!
5 years ago
by dazzling79
5 years ago
by Gloria van der westhuizen
The legend behind this fish is that when it's maker was finished making this fish. He picked it up by the tail to lower it in to the water. Thus the black finger marks.
I agree with the name Black tail.
It puts up a very good fight for it's size.
5 years ago
by itsaboat
Thanks Gloria, Very interesting :)
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