Kedungmulyo 🇮🇩
Nautical Twilight begins:04:51 amSunrise:05:37 am
Sunset:06:04 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:50 pm
Moonrise:11:31 am
Moonset:11:31 pm
Moon over:05:31 pm
Moon under:05:02 am
- First Quarter Moon
Distance to earth:364,460 kmProximity:96.8 %
Moon Phases for Kedungmulyo
poor Day
major Time:04:02 am - 06:02 am
minor Time:10:31 am - 12:31 pm
major Time:04:31 pm - 06:31 pm
minor Time:10:31 pm - 12:31 am
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Wed, 05 Feb
04:02 am -
06:02 am
04:31 pm -
06:31 pm
10:31 am -
12:31 pm
10:31 pm -
12:31 am
R: 05:37 am S: 06:04 pm |
R: 11:31 am S: 11:31 pm |
First Quarter Moon |
Thu, 06 Feb
04:56 am -
06:56 am
05:27 pm -
07:27 pm
11:29 am -
01:29 pm
11:25 pm -
01:25 am
R: 05:37 am S: 06:04 pm |
R: 12:29 pm S: - |
First Quarter Moon |
Fri, 07 Feb
05:57 am -
07:57 am
06:27 pm -
08:27 pm
12:30 pm -
02:30 pm
11:25 pm -
01:25 am
R: 05:37 am S: 06:04 pm |
R: 01:30 pm S: 12:25 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sat, 08 Feb
06:56 am -
08:56 am
07:26 pm -
09:26 pm
12:23 am -
02:23 am
01:30 pm -
03:30 pm
R: 05:38 am S: 06:04 pm |
R: 02:30 pm S: 01:23 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Sun, 09 Feb
07:56 am -
09:56 am
08:23 pm -
10:23 pm
01:23 am -
03:23 am
02:30 pm -
04:30 pm
R: 05:38 am S: 06:04 pm |
R: 03:30 pm S: 02:23 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Mon, 10 Feb
08:53 am -
10:53 am
09:19 pm -
11:19 pm
02:23 am -
04:23 am
03:24 pm -
05:24 pm
R: 05:38 am S: 06:04 pm |
R: 04:24 pm S: 03:23 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Tue, 11 Feb
09:47 am -
11:47 am
10:10 pm -
12:10 am
03:19 am -
05:19 am
04:15 pm -
06:15 pm
R: 05:38 am S: 06:03 pm |
R: 05:15 pm S: 04:19 am |
Full Moon |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Kedungmulyo area
We found a total of 68 potential fishing spots nearby Kedungmulyo. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Bendung Parangjoho - 4km , Telaga Klumpit - 12km , Telaga Ngampelombo - 12km , Waduk Nawangan - 12km , Telaga Kepleng - 13km , Telaga Bindo - 13km , Telaga Sunut - 14km , Telaga Ngenta - 14km , Telaga Timbang - 14km , Waduk Gunungsengon - 14km , Telaga Semin - 15km , Telaga Kedokan - 15km , Telaga Mendak - 15km , Telaga Jati - 15km , Telaga Nongko - 15km , Telaga Kramean - 15km , Telaga Winong - 15km , Telaga Rejo - 15km , Telaga Ngroyo - 16km , Telaga Randu - 16km , Telaga Karen - 16km , Telaga Kracan - 16km , Telogo Plaosan - 16km , Telogo Bunyak - 16km , Danau Tandon - 17km , Telaga Gesing - 17km , Telaga Ngrinjing - 17km , Telaga Pakel - 17km , Telaga Nguluran - 17km , Telogo Glimbung - 17km , Telogo Jambu - 17km , Telogo Dindul - 17km , Telogo Jati - 17km , Telogo Bunkek - 17km , Telaga Kempul - 18km , Telaga Sodong - 18km , Telaga Semugih - 18km , Telaga Dangdang - 18km , Telogo Buger - 18km , Telogo Sambirejo - 18km , Telaga Ngrejek - 19km , Telaga Bolang - 19km , Telaga Jurug - 19km , Telaga Dawung - 19km , Telaga Cabihan - 19km , Telaga Ngejring - 19km , Telaga Pringkuku - 19km , Telaga Sebagor - 19km , Telaga Sendang - 19km , Telaga Kenanga - 19km , Telogo Karangsempu - 19km , Telogo Gembor - 19km , Telogo Salam - 19km , Dam Kedungwuluh - 19km , Dam Toyo - 19km , Telaga Tileng - 20km , Telaga Kalen - 20km , Telaga Jamuran - 20km , Telaga Jlubang - 20km , Telaga Ngersari - 20km , Telaga Dawe - 20km , Telaga Cetek - 20km , Telaga Braho - 20km , Tlogo Bregung - 20km , Telogo Krajan - 20km , Telogo Suruh - 20km , Telogo Boto - 20km , Dam Balong - 20km