Saint-Sauveur 🇨🇦
Nautical Twilight begins:06:11 amSunrise:07:16 am
Sunset:05:04 pmNautical Twilight ends:06:10 pm
Moonrise:08:58 am
Moonset:09:10 pm
Moon over:03:04 pm
Moon under:02:54 am
- Waxing Crescent
Distance to earth:365,807 kmProximity:93.7 %
Moon Phases for Saint-Sauveur
good Day
major Time:01:54 am - 03:54 am
minor Time:07:58 am - 09:58 am
major Time:02:04 pm - 04:04 pm
minor Time:08:10 pm - 10:10 pm
Date | Major Bite Times | Minor Bite Times | Sun | Moon | Moonphase |
Sat, 01 Feb
01:54 am -
03:54 am
02:04 pm -
04:04 pm
07:58 am -
09:58 am
08:10 pm -
10:10 pm
R: 07:16 am S: 05:04 pm |
R: 08:58 am S: 09:10 pm |
Waxing Crescent |
Sun, 02 Feb
02:43 am -
04:43 am
02:53 pm -
04:53 pm
08:17 am -
10:17 am
09:29 pm -
11:29 pm
R: 07:15 am S: 05:06 pm |
R: 09:17 am S: 10:29 pm |
Waxing Crescent |
Mon, 03 Feb
03:31 am -
05:31 am
03:42 pm -
05:42 pm
08:36 am -
10:36 am
10:49 pm -
12:49 am
R: 07:14 am S: 05:07 pm |
R: 09:36 am S: 11:49 pm |
First Quarter Moon |
Tue, 04 Feb
04:20 am -
06:20 am
04:34 pm -
06:34 pm
12:11 am -
02:11 am
08:58 am -
10:58 am
R: 07:13 am S: 05:09 pm |
R: 09:58 am S: - |
First Quarter Moon |
Wed, 05 Feb
04:48 am -
06:48 am
05:05 pm -
07:05 pm
12:11 am -
02:11 am
09:25 am -
11:25 am
R: 07:11 am S: 05:10 pm |
R: 10:25 am S: 01:11 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Thu, 06 Feb
05:45 am -
07:45 am
06:08 pm -
08:08 pm
01:31 am -
03:31 am
09:59 am -
11:59 am
R: 07:10 am S: 05:12 pm |
R: 10:59 am S: 02:31 am |
First Quarter Moon |
Fri, 07 Feb
06:46 am -
08:46 am
07:15 pm -
09:15 pm
02:48 am -
04:48 am
10:45 am -
12:45 pm
R: 07:09 am S: 05:13 pm |
R: 11:45 am S: 03:48 am |
Waxing Gibbous |
Best Fishing Spots in the greater Saint-Sauveur area
We found a total of 97 potential fishing spots nearby Saint-Sauveur. Below you can find them organized on a map. Points, Headlands, Reefs, Islands, Channels, etc can all be productive fishing spots. As these are user submitted spots, there might be some errors in the exact location. You also need to cross check local fishing regulations. Some of the spots might be in or around marine reserves or other locations that cannot be fished. If you click on a location marker it will bring up some details and a quick link to google search, satellite maps and fishing times. Tip: Click/Tap on a new area to load more fishing spots.
Lac Saint-Sauveur - 1km , Lac Simms - 1km , Lac Tor - 2km , Lac Millette - 2km , Lac à Nymark - 2km , Lac à McLellan - 2km , Lac Alouette - 2km , Lac Prévost - 3km , Lac Lapointe - 3km , Lac Loranger - 3km , Lac Denis - 3km , Lac Marie-Noëlle - 3km , Lac Vaseux - 3km , Lac Victor - 3km , Lac Morin - 3km , Lac Boucané - 3km , Pont de la Rivière-à-Simon - 3km , Lac Beauchamp - 3km , Lac Léonard - 4km , Lac Cupidon - 4km , Lac Rochon - 4km , Lac Violon - 4km , Lac Kanawana - 4km , Lac Jackson - 4km , Pont Brazeau - 4km , Lac Breton - 4km , Lac Boisclair - 4km , Lac Beaulieu - 4km , Pont Lalande - 4km , Lac aux Castors - 4km , Pont Gagliési - 4km , Lac Guindon - 5km , Lac Écho - 5km , Lac Loiselle - 5km , Lac des Chats - 5km , Lac des Becs-Scie - 5km , Lac Rond - 5km , Lac Marois - 5km , Lac Wilson - 5km , Lac Mud - 5km , Pont Binette - 5km , Pont Constantineau - 5km , Lac Boyer - 5km , Lac Ouimet - 5km , Lac Beaulne - 5km , Lac Renaud - 5km , Île Benoit - 5km , Pont Raymond - 5km , Lac Johanne - 6km , Lac Caron - 6km , Lac à Léon - 6km , Île Charlton - 6km , Île Jackson - 6km , Lac Seale - 6km , Lac à Cloutier - 6km , Pont Guénette - 6km , Lac Lefebvre - 6km , Lac Tamaracouta - 6km , Lac Schryer - 6km , Lac Rockcliff - 6km , Lac Binns - 6km , Lac Saint-Amour - 6km , Lac Rustique - 6km , Lac des Seigneurs - 6km , Lac Richer - 6km , Lac Paquette - 6km , Lac Dawson - 7km , Lac Forster - 7km , Lac Canard - 7km , Lac Peter - 7km , Île Lemay - 7km , Lac Bouchette - 7km , Lac Todd - 7km , Lac des Frères - 7km , Lac Blondin - 7km , Lac Colette - 7km , Lac Ivan - 7km , Pont Pauline-Vanier - 7km , Lac Perry - 7km , Pont Lachaîne - 7km , Lac Vert - 7km , Lac George - 7km , Lac Pelletier - 7km , Lac Matley - 7km , Pont du Boys Farm - 7km , Lac Lawken - 7km , Lac la Roche - 8km , Lac Strong - 8km , Lac Franc - 8km , Pont Dainava - 8km , Lac Bouthillier - 8km , Pont Blondin - 8km , Pont Alary - 8km , Lac des Castors - 8km , Lac à Hervé-Laroche - 8km , Pont Nantel - 8km , Lac Alpino - 8km