octopus (used a lure)
by M Ar

2 years ago
by dazzling79
Is this one also an accidental catch? The jetty seems to be a very productive place!! lol!
2 years ago
by M Ar
Yes! I was using a lure to catch big mullets. That jetty really surprised us- we caught leather jackets, garfish (big ones mind you, which we never caught before, he,he), yellow tail and blue mackerels, Australian salmon, etc. Cheers!
2 years ago
by dazzling79
Wow! Very successful fishing up there! Were you there during the day?
2 years ago
by M Ar
For breams and garfish, we were there daytime would u believe, around midday- last year Fishing reminder was spot on during summer but a bit dodgy forecast this year, he,he..so we just wing it..For octopus, squids, mackies, after 5 pm or 6 (depends on the weather, too windy is not good for us as we don't use sinkers for garfish usually and mackies)- we have our secret burley mix to attract them.
2 years ago
by M Ar
We also go to Southport in the Huon Valley, night fishing is best there, but depends on several factors as u know.
2 years ago
by skrat
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