by Coyote.

6 years ago
by dazzling79
Looks amazing! I love them. I wish I could catch them too.
6 years ago
by Coyote.
I was in my boat but people catch them from the break wall. This is off the St Vincent marina at Wirrina, South Australia.
There must be somewhere in NZ to catch them from the shore.
6 years ago
by dazzling79
I know there are a few spots for squid fishing especially at night time with right gears. I tried some time ago but no successes. I did near harbour and jetties with squid jigs with different colours.
6 years ago
by Coyote.
Look for Ribbon weed. Squid like to hide in it to ambush their dinner. You should just go for a drive and look at the jetty's for people catching squid. Maybe even youtube search NZ land based squiding. Check this recipe for Salt and Pepped Calamari. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3BcA_Vlu8g
Cheers and enjoy the fishing.
6 years ago
by Basspro4200
Good bait
6 years ago
by Coyote.
Yes I keep the heads and tentacles for bait but keep the tubes for eating.
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