dia de pesca de pejerrey
by pescacruzdeleje
2025 years ago
by up2u
Are these what we call Sand Whitting? We catch al lot in winter on the east coast of OZ.
Are they Bled or have the gills been taken out for cleaning?
We get the scales off by using a garden hose & direct the jet from tail to head.
Here in Thailand they fillet & deep fry to crisp including the frame.
Cheers Ed
2025 years ago
by pescacruzdeleje
Hi up2u. The fish name is pejerrey http://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pejerrey) this photograf was taken in Argentina in a lake at Cruz del Eje. We qlso take the scales but with a knife and fry them just as you do. Thanks for your comment . Excuse my bad inglish.
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